
Tuesday, October 7, 2014

“I really liked this book!! I read it in one night.....

“I really liked this book!! I read it in one night and wish the next one was published already, but I guess it won’t come out until 2015 Oh well, lol I’ll wait. I was very entertained by this novel and with all the developments the characters all got into. And there are a LOT of characters, but they are all really well developed and you really feel like you get to know them inside and out, which is good. It is filled with drama and complex interpersonal relationships, and is sexy. Such a great combination! Ready for more! (4.5 stars).”

Jhonni Parker; Indie Book Reviewers, Goodreads, Shelfari, Librarything

Oh That Creepy Moon!

"Eerie creepy the moon

When the moon is full of light

But at first you hear

A creepy eerie sound so near

And then the howling

Floats on the wind


Halloween comes again!

~J. A. Jackson


5:32 P.M.

Author J. A. Jackson Brings the Spice & The Drama! 4.5 Star Review!

"I really liked this book!! I read it in one night and wish the next one was published already, but I guess it won’t come out until 2015 Oh well, lol I’ll wait. I was very entertained by this novel and with all the developments the characters all got into. And there are a LOT of characters, but they are all really well developed and you really feel like you get to know them inside and out, which is good. It is filled with drama and complex interpersonal relationships, and is sexy. Such a great combination! Ready for more! (4.5 stars)"

Monday, October 6, 2014

There's A Whining.....Okay What?

“There’s a whining at the threshold ~

There’s a scratching at the floor ~

To work! To Work! In Heaven’s name!

The wolf is at the door!

Charlotte Perkins Gilman

All You Need...

“All you need is deep within you waiting to unfold and reveal itself.

All you have to do is be still and take time to seek for what is within, and all you will surely find it.”

Eileen Caddy

Sunday, October 5, 2014

22 Days To Go On The Count Down Goodreads Contest! ~ Mistress of Desire & The Orchid Lover!

When the scandal breaks.....Better know your friends..... Silicon Valley is known for being the bubbling caldron where wealth and fortune are born daily. The raw power of success prevails and greed runs deep.

Wednesday, October 1, 2014

27 Days To Go Until Goodreads Contest Ends!