
Wednesday, October 7, 2020

Apple is Natural Aphrodisiac


Just as honey was known in many cultures as an aphrodisiac. So too was the apple.  The apple was the fruit Eve used to temp Adam, in the Garden of Eden.

Yes, the Apple is perhaps the oldest known aphrodisiac and it has been likened unto the nectar of the Gods for this delicious fruit is rich in not only mythology and symbolism, but also in the fact that it is rich in vitamin c and other minerals.

Apples, like wine and chocolate, contain polyphenols and antioxidants that can stimulate blood flow to the genitalia, helping with arousal.

During the middle ages Europeans used the apple in “love magic” rituals. And it was said that if a woman slept with an apple under her arm or some other private part of her body, and then when she awaken, and she presented the apple to a man to eat, she would become the apple of his eye.

It has also  been said that foods that resemble male or female genitalia were believed to increase desire which brings us to the old ancient folk saying that said if you cut an apple from the top to the bottom  you will have revealed to you the temptation which Eve offered to Adam. I have never tried this experiment but the old  folk saying said that many an unsuspecting maidens, after doing this experiment,  must have blushed after they completed the experiment and realized after doing so that they were looking at the shape of their own vulva.  Picture that one for a moment.

Today modern researchers have done studies and found that eating one apple a day can improve the sex lives of women. The researches believe the reason for this may be due to the compound called “phloridzin” that is found in apples.  This compound is similar to the female sex hormone estradiol. Estradiol plays a large role in sexual arousal.

Well there you have it. Eve knew the benefits of eating an apple, old European folk lore knew the benefit of eating apples and now even modern scientific research has shown, eating apples can benefit your sex life. 

Next time you need a nature aphrodisiac? Grab an apple!

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