
Thursday, September 5, 2024

What Is the New Drug Called Pink Cocaine? Unraveling the Mystery Behind the Dangerous Trend

Have you ever heard of pink cocaine? It could seem like something out of a science fiction film or an odd metropolitan legend, yet this puzzling medication is causing disturbances across the U.S. furthermore, past. Reports have shown the drug has even made it’ way into California Central Valley by way of shipments that have come though San Diego’s border from Mexico.

With its charming name, pink cocaine is grabbing the eye of many. However, if you look past the pretty name, you’ll find something pretty awful at it’s core. Pink cocaine, otherwise called Tusi, Tuci, Tusibi, or Tucibi, is a new lab created designer drugs mixed with ketamine and other illegal substances with cute pink food coloring added. The drug first originated from Colombia, and quickly grew in popularity, even becoming instantly famous in different regions, it has become especially popular in the US. Yet, notwithstanding it’s cute whimsical name, pink cocaine, is not actually real cocaine, by any stretch of the imagination. In fact, all things considered, pink cocaine is really just a risky mixed mash dangerous cocktail of various substances that gets mixed together in an illegal unregulated drug lab with unknown outcomes and effects to anyone using it.

What makes pink cocaine so terrifying is the secret ingredients used in its mix. This seemingly innocent looking powder is often laced with ketamine, or bound with MDMA better known as the euphoria drug molly. In addition, it is said to sometimes be combined with a mix of energizers and depressants. Pink cocaine has also been known to be spliced with methamphetamines, narcotics, and, surprisingly, new psychoactive substances (NPS). All are known to be lab created drugs in one form or another making them more dangerous.

Because the alluring name “pink cocaine” is so attractive it invokes an eerie fascination, with many. To some the name conjures images of something in a fantasy or otherworldly experiences, to some it’s like a drug that exist on the edge of reality. It’s a chilling idea but one that adds to the drugs allure.

While pink cocaine may be some’s passageway to a different universe, there’s no rejecting that the drugs eccentric nature, and its life changing — or life-finishing — effects. With its blend of “speedball”, stimulants and depressants many users could find themselves suffering from high blood pressure, breathing changes and possibly seizures. And don’t forget some might just have a date with death.

Let’s all get real for a moment and imagine you have an encounter with pink cocaine. Maybe just because you fell in love with its name. At first use, you might think you’ve just landed in your dreams, but really its just — pipedreams an illusion sensation of elation, that if you’re not careful, your dream could lead to death.

In any case, get smart, about those fantasy secrets of life and demise, because there are more secure ways and better ways of investigating those life inquiries and even finding them, that doesn’t have to involve your taking a huge risk with pink cocaine.

Remember, everything that sparkles — or shines pink — is gold, ain’t your friend. It could be deadly. Don’t put your life at risk. Remain safe, remain informed, and consistently question the unexplored world.

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