
Wednesday, August 21, 2024

The Haunted Delta King Riverboat Hotel: A Spooky Stay Along Sacramento's Haunted Waterfront

As Halloween approaches, tales of haunted places become more intriguing, especially when they involve a grand old riverboat with a dark history.

The hauntings of the Delta King Riverboat Hotel propose an association between the living and the dead that we can only with significant effort excuse.

Imagine spending the night on a majestic vessel that once cruised the California Delta, now permanently moored at the Old Sacramento Waterfront. But beware, for the Delta King Riverboat Hotel holds more than just memories of luxury and grandeurᅳit harbors secrets of a chilling past that suggest there's more to life after death than we might want to believe.

Imagine walking through lobbies and squeaking decks. And be sure to be on the look out for the young lady going through the halls.

The frightful presence of spirits that are said to torment visitors, even in the lobbies ᅳ spirits of the people who met disastrous closures during the boat's prime. With Halloween not far off, the Delta King's spooky history entices individuals who are courageously fierce enough to spend the night on board.

The spirits on board this riverboat are caught, remembering their last minutes over and over again and again? Or on the other hand one could say they are attempting to speak with the living, wanting to discover a sense of harmony? The secrets encompassing the Delta King push us to think about how conceivable it is that cognizance doesn't end with death, yet rather, go on in some invisible form or energy.

As science investigates those remaining spirit energies and quantum cognizance, the possibility of eternal life turning out to be a dream does seem even more an enticingly vivid chance.

For the people who look for spirits or hauntings, that go on through a night, the Delta King could offer something other than a creepy rush ᅳ it very well may be a chance to interface with the obscure and investigate the limits of life and passing.


What sets it apart from other hotels is the eerie presence of spirits that are said to haunt its hallsᅳspirits of those who met tragic ends during the boat's heyday. With Halloween just around the corner, Delta King's haunted history beckons to those who are brave enough to spend a night aboard.


So, in the event that you're searching for a really spine-shivering experience for this coming Halloween, book a stay at the Delta King Riverboat Inn in Sacramento. Whether you're a skeptic or a believer, the stories of the Delta King challenge us to rethink what we know about death and the possibility of an afterlife.

As you investigate its spooky lobbies and squeaking decks, look out for the young lady going through the halls, or the man in the shadows who may be watching you from the side of your eye. Furthermore, be warn, when you lay your head down to rest, you probably won't be distant from everyone else ᅳ on the grounds that on the Delta Ruler, the spirits of the past are rarely far away.

Whether you're a skeptic or a believer, the stories of the Delta King challenge us to rethink what we know about death and the possibility of an afterlife. And if you're brave enough to spend a night aboard this haunted vessel, you just might find that the line between the living and the dead is thinner than you ever imagined.

Saturday, August 17, 2024

A Fifth Grader’s Encounter with the Afterlife and a Medium’s Intervention-Beyond the Veil: the Hauntingly Beautiful Story of Love Lost and Found!

Dear Gentle Reader,

My name is Annie Mae Elizabeth Ruby Williams, and yes, you guessed it, I am named after a bunch of my old dead relatives. My family calls me Beth or Annie Mae if they are mad at me.

My best friend is named Susanne Delcroix. She and I are really tight. Maybe it’s because we are similar in many ways. I’ll explain more about that later.

Anyway, I want to tell you a story about something that happened one night when my best friend Susanne spent the night over at my house. Are you ready?

Here goes:

“I remember this story vividly. I was in the fifth grade, and the house was on Filmore Street. It was built in the 1870s, and my father’s mother and family lived there before us.

My best friend Suzanne used to spend the night with me sometimes, especially on this particular Friday night. She spent the night over. It was one of those “strange” times. It was around 11:30 p.m. at night. We were doing the things that little girls do after my parents checked on us and thought we were asleep. We had our share of whispered laughter, telling each other jokes, and giggling like crazy. Then we heard this strange noise coming from outside my window. The room got really cold.

At first, we thought nothing of it; it just had to be the wind. The next thing we heard was the clicking of heels walking down the hallway outside my bedroom door. My room was on the second floor. Down the hall was my parent’s room.

Suzanne and I got quiet as we listened to the clicking sound of the shoes coming toward my bedroom door. When the sound got to my bedroom door it stopped and all of a sudden, my bedroom door just kind of opened on its own. No doorknob turning or nothing. It was just plain weird.

A strange light emitted from the doorway and their standing in the middle of it was my great grandfather, Frances Luray Williams. The man had been dead before I was born. I knew it was him because I’ve seen a photo of him often enough when I passed by it, in the hallway each day heading out the front door on my way to school.

My great grandfather stood there like it was nothing. He stood there staring into the room as if he was looking for someone and then all of a sudden, a voice rose from his body, but his lips didn’t move, and he called out. “Ruby! Ruby! My darling, are you here?”

I looked over at my friend Susanne and she was lying there with her eyes closed shut really tight. Pretending to be sleep. The girl could be an absolute coward sometimes. I swallowed hard and kept staring. My deceased great grandfather focused his gaze at me and spoke. “Baby Girl go on back to sleep,” and just like that he vanished in the doorway. I looked back at the spot where my great grandfather had just stood, confused, shocked and alarmed, all I could do was yell out loud to my mother. “Mom! Great Grandfather Frank was just here!”

My mom yelled back, “I know, I heard him, calling for Great Grandmother Ruby! He can’t hurt you none. Now, go to sleep!”

My friend Susanne’s eyes opened wide, and she said. “Ya’ll one crazy arse family. This is the last time I’m spending the night over here. I forget your kin can see dead people Annie Mae Elizabeth Ruby Williams! Now you got me seeing them too!” Suzanne declared.

“Oh, really?” I declared. “Just shut up Suzanne, you were seeing dead people long before you met me. Isn’t that why you picked me to be your friend in the first place?”

Suzanne shrugged and fluffed her pillow. “Oh, yeah, I forgot. We both have that seeing and hearing dead people thing,” she sighed. “And yes, you are right, I did pick you to be my friend, especially when I knew you had the same gift as me. But at least at my house the ghosts don’t be calling out people’s names, in the middle of the night. Anyway, you know we can’t tell anyone about this stuff at school. Right?”

“I hear you,” I said.

“By the way,” Susanne stated. “What did you say happened to your Great Grandmother Ruby? I mean How did she die again?”

“Oh, that, she died in childbirth, trying to have a son for my great grandfather.” “Oh yeah, but didn’t you say your great grandfather remarried? Why does he keep trying to find her, Ruby I mean?” Susanne asked.

“I don’t know. My mother said that my great grandfather wasn’t in love with the second wife he married. He had one of those everlasting love things, for my great grandmother Ruby, his first wife. My Mother said she guess, when he died my great grandmother Ruby didn’t come to get him and he is forever looking for her.”

“Wow!” that’s really deep,” Susanne said. “You know there’s this medium clairvoyant lady on YouTube and she can call the dead up and have a talk with them. Maybe she can hook your great grandfather and great grandmother up together and figure out why they sort of missed each other on that leaving the earth thing.”

“Really, Susanne?”


“You can’t be serious? Anyway, I don’t think this lady is going to just do something like this for free,” I declared.

Susanne fluffed her pillow again and exhaled. “It was just a suggestion. Besides, I know you can get her help for as little as twenty-five dollars. And I know you got twenty-five dollars. Because I know how much money you’ve got saved up. You little money hoarder.”

“Whatever!” I declared. “And you better not say anything to anyone about how much money I got saved up or I won’t loan you another thin dime again,” I declared as I turn to get comfortable on my side of the bed as my thoughts raced and then it hit me. What did I have to lose anyway. Besides, at least it would give me and Susanne something to do the next day.

“Susanne, I think that’s a good idea, you know looking up that medium clairvoyant lady,” I said. “It will give us something to do on Saturday.”

The next day, after the eerie encounter with my great grandfather, Susanne and I couldn’t shake off the strange events that unfolded in the middle of the night. We decided to embark on a mission to unravel the mysteries of the afterlife and find closure for my restless great-grandparents.

Susanne, always the tech-savvy one, pulled out her phone and started scrolling through YouTube, determined to find the clairvoyant medium she had mentioned the night before.

“I found her! Her name’s Seraphina Mystique. She’s got thousands of subscribers, and people say she can really communicate with the other side,” Susanne exclaimed with excitement.

We sat huddled around the phone, watching as Seraphina Mystique explained the process of reaching out to spirits. With a mix of skepticism and anticipation, we decided to contact her and ask for help. I sent her an email detailing the bizarre events of the previous night and pleading for assistance.

Surprisingly, Seraphina responded promptly, expressing her interest in helping us connect with my great grandparents. She agreed to conduct a session at our house the following evening.

As the sun set, Susanne and I nervously prepared for the clairvoyant’s arrival. Seraphina entered our home with an air of confidence, her energy seemingly attuned to the mystical.

“Child, I sense a strong presence here,” Seraphina spoke, her eyes closed as if tuning into another realm. “Your great-grandparents are indeed lingering, searching for each other. I will do my best to guide them towards each other’s spirits.”

We gathered in a circle, hands linked, as Seraphina began her channeling. A soft glow enveloped the room, and in the midst of it, the figures of my great-grandparents materialized. Their faces carried a mix of confusion and longing.

Seraphina, acting as a conduit between the living and the departed, gently encouraged them to communicate. Tears welled up in my eyes as I witnessed my great grandfather, Frances, express his undying love for Ruby, my great grandmother.

“Ruby, my darling, I’ve been searching for you. Why did you not come for me when I left this world?” Frances asked, his voice echoing through the room.

Ruby, with a serene smile, replied, “Frank, I thought you had moved on. I didn’t want to disrupt your journey. But seeing you still searching, my heart aches.”

Seraphina guided them through a conversation that spanned the years they spent apart, the regrets, and the unspoken words. As the conversation unfolded, an ethereal light enveloped them, and they embraced in a spectral reunion.

“I release you both,” Seraphina murmured, her eyes still closed. “May you find peace together and move on to the afterlife united.”

In a heartwarming moment, the spirits of my great-grandparents faded away, leaving behind a sense of tranquility. The room, once filled with an otherworldly energy, returned to normal.

Susanne and I exchanged amazed glances. Seraphina opened her eyes, smiling. “Love has a power that transcends even death. Your great-grandparents can now find eternal peace together.”

From that night on, the house on Filmore Street felt lighter, as if the spirits of Frances and Ruby had finally found the closure they sought. Seraphina Mystique became our unsung hero, connecting the living with the departed and bringing peace to a family haunted by the echoes of the past. And as for Susanne and me, we became believers in the magic that lies beyond our mortal understanding, forever bound by the extraordinary experience that unfolded within the walls of my ancestral home.

Thursday, August 15, 2024

The Dark Side of Spirituality: Unmasking the Hidden Dangers of Spiritual Narcissism!

Have you ever encountered someone who seems to radiate spiritual wisdom, only to later feel manipulated, judged, or even diminished by their so-called enlightenment? The charm of that person that you encountered with the alluring overpowering spiritual wisdom often times masks a darker reality—spiritual narcissism.

Spiritual narcissism is a complex and misunderstood phenomenon. It often happens when individuals use their spirituality or religious beliefs as a means of boosting their ego, using strict convictions of lifting their own confidences by controlling others and asserting their supposed superiority.

Not at all like conventional selfishness, which is plain and simple to recognize, otherworldly self-absorption takes cover behind the facade of blessedness, making it much more slippery. This article will investigate the signs, qualities, and mental underpinnings of profound self-absorption, and give knowledge into what it can mean for connections and individual prosperity.

Dr. Sanam Hafeez, a regarded neuropsychologist, characterizes profound egomaniacs as the individuals who utilize their otherworldly convictions to acquire power, control, and esteem from others. They might accept they are all the more profoundly developed and utilize this conviction to legitimize activities that hurt others. The harm they cause can be significant, dissolving trust and establishing poisonous conditions in connections, networks, and, surprisingly, inside oneself. It's significant to comprehend that otherworldly self-centeredness isn't about certifiable profound development; it's tied in with involving otherworldliness as a device for self-glorification.

“I once went to a contemplation retreat drove by an individual who appeared to epitomize all that I tried to be — serene, savvy, and profoundly associated with the heavenly. Yet, as the retreat advanced, I started to see unpretentious yet upsetting ways of behaving. He excused the encounters of others as "less advanced," deprecated the people who addressed him, and continually looked for acclaim for his alleged otherworldly bits of knowledge. It wasn't some time before I understood that his lessons weren't tied in with helping other people develop in a profound way; they were tied in with building up his own feeling of prevalence. This experience woke me up to the truth of profound self-absorption — a reality that is surprisingly normal. It made me question how frequently otherworldliness is abused and the way in which it can turn into a weapon as opposed to a way to illumination.”

The implications of spiritual narcissism are broad. It can provoke the breakdown of associations, support toxic circumstances, and even reason significant harm. The people who capitulate to these supernatural narcissists could feel invalidated, excused, and sincerely exhausted. Also, otherworldly egotists frequently need veritable compassion, making it challenging to draw in with them in significant ways.

They might utilize their otherworldly convictions to manipulate and control, leaving others feeling caught in a pattern of culpability and disgrace.

What drives Spiritual narcissism. While it’s not a clinically diagnosed disorder, like Narcissistic Personality Disorder (NPD , yet it shares many traits with other forms of narcissism. It might come from a well-established need for approval, a craving for control, or even an off track conviction that one's profound excursion makes them innately better than others. Perceiving these examples can assist us with shielding ourselves as well as other people from their hurtful impacts.


Profound self-absorption is a perilous contortion of what ought to be a positive and sustaining part of our lives. An update even chasing profound development, we should stay watchful and mindful of the self-image’s capability to dominate. Genuine otherworldliness is about modesty, sympathy, and certified association — not predominance, control, or control. By understanding the indications of profound self-absorption and defining firm limits, we can safeguard our own prosperity and cultivate better, more bona fide connections.


Assuming you've experienced an otherworldly egomaniac, it's memorable's vital that their way of behaving isn't an impression of your value. Their activities are driven by their own weaknesses and need for approval. You merit connections that inspire and sustain your profound excursion, not ones that decrease it. Look for help, put down stopping points, and spotlight on your own development. In doing as such, you can recover your way to genuine otherworldly edification and inward harmony.

Wednesday, August 14, 2024

Life After Death? The Eternal Question: What We Know About After-Death Experiences and Science!

Picture it! Awakening around midnight, detecting a presence in the room, only to realize it’s the comforting aura of a loved one who passed away years ago. This isn't simply a scene from a film — many individuals across the world have had similar encounters, raising perhaps of the most significant inquiry: Is there life after death?

After-death communication is a phenomenon that has interested mankind for centuries. From detecting a left cherished one's presence to distinctive dreams and, surprisingly, unusual electronic unsettling influences, these encounters are accounted for by individuals from varying backgrounds, frequently giving solace and a feeling of association with the people who have passed on. Shockingly, these experiences aren't new phenomenon, interesting, but not new — research shows that a critical piece of the populace has encountered some type of ADC, and these occasions aren't generally attached to distress.

Be that as it may, what does science say regarding eternal life? Is there any clarification that can overcome any barrier between profound encounters and the universe of experimental proof? How about we investigate the secrets of ADCs and perceive how they could highlight the chance of life past death.

ADCs are not simply disengaged episodes experienced by the excessively profound or profoundly strict. Studies uncover that up to 82 percent of individuals have had some type of after-death communication, frequently feeling consoled or even being changed by these experiences. What’s even more fascinating is that these experiences occur across different cultures, religions, and belief systems, including among skeptics and even atheists.

All in all, what's going on here? Are these encounters only inventions of our creative mind, or might they at any point take advantage of something more profound — an association that science is simply starting to investigate?

Take the tale of Carl Jung, the popular clinician who once longed for his dad after his dad's passing. Jung, a man of science, wound up contemplating the secrets of life and passing more profoundly due to this fantasy. Or on the other hand consider the doubter whose messed up radio started playing precipitously during his wedding — a second that shook his skepticism.

I recollect when I, as well, felt the presence of a friend or family member who had died. It was a peaceful night, and as I sat alone, I out of nowhere felt a warm hug, as though they were not too far off with me. The experience was clear to the point that it left me doubting all that I assumed I had some awareness of life and demise. It wasn't simply a memory or living in fantasy land — it felt genuine, as though an entryway between our reality and the following had momentarily opened.

Imagine a scenario where these encounters are mental survival strategies as well as genuine looks into another reality. The Proceeding with Bonds Hypothesis recommends that keeping an association with the departed can be remedial, permitting people to track down more profound significance in their misfortune. This hypothesis challenges the idea that melancholy should be settled through separation, rather suggesting that our bonds with the departed can go on in a significant manner.

According to a logical viewpoint, even probably the most levelheaded personalities, like Albert Einstein, have conceded that the universe is loaded up with secrets outside our ability to understand. Might it at any point be that post-existence would one say one of those secrets, is life after death? All things considered, many individuals find comfort in the possibility that their friends and family keep on existing in some structure, and, surprisingly, more, that these convictions can affect their psychological and actual wellbeing.


While science may not as yet have every one of the responses, the inescapable idea of ADCs and the solace they bring to the individuals who experience them propose that there's something else to life — and demise — besides we at present can comprehend. Whether through dreams, vivid déjà vu moments or dreams, or sentiments, these experiences frequently leave individuals with a significant feeling of harmony and consolation, making them keep thinking about whether maybe there is something more sitting tight for us past this life.


As we keep on investigating the secrets of the universe, the topic of eternal life remains one of the most significant and persevering. Whether you view ADCs as a mental peculiarity or a brief look into another domain, one thing is clear: they contact something profound inside us, something that yearns for association, meaning, and the expectation that life might proceed, even in the afterlife.

Tuesday, August 13, 2024

Toxic Traits, Higher Pay: The Real Reason Narcissists Thrive in Business!

Imagine walking into your office and spotting that one coworker who seems to have it all: the high salary, the corner office, and the admiration of the higher-ups. However, there's something off — this individual appears to lack empathy and with a closer look it seems that this individual is generally quick to take responsibility for others’ work. Look even closer and this individual seems to have a dark toxic cloud surrounding him. Is the secret to their success?

In the corporate world, it’s an obvious fact that some people ascend the stepping ladder of success quicker than others. Yet, imagine a scenario in which toxic characteristics like self-centeredness and psychopathy, frequently considered dim and bothersome, are assisting certain individuals with succeeding. That’s right, traits like those of a narcissism or psychopathy, which often are seen as dark and undesirable, are helping some people succeed? Recent research by organizational psychologists suggests that these dark traits might actually be an advantage in business settings.

In this article we will explore why people with these personalities often earn more and rise to leadership roles quicker, leaving the rest of us wondering—do you need to be toxic to thrive in corporate spaces?

In the corporate world, earnings management is an ethically questionable practice where senior managers can manipulate financial statements to reflect a company’s desired earnings projection, rather than its true performance. This practice has been found to be morally problematic, with many managers and directors who control fiscal reports being willing to manipulate those reports to mirror an organization's ideal profit instead of its actual numbers.

Studies show that individuals with dark personality traits—such as narcissists and psychopaths—are more likely to engage in this type of behavior. Why one might ask. Well, since dark personality traits appear to be the attributes that line up with achieving certain specific corporate goals. Egotists, with their self-assurance and appeal, and mental cases, with their absence of sympathy and valor, can be staggeringly powerful in jobs that require difficult choices and control of numbers.

Organizations may not be expressly searching for exploitative workers, yet the attributes that make somebody ready to push moral limits are in many cases the very characteristics that assist them with seeming solid, sure, and fit — characteristics that are profoundly esteemed in professional workplaces. The miserable truth is that these people are getting employed quicker, and placed into positions that allow them to run amok. Their capacity to project certainty and control circumstances for their potential benefit causes them to seem like ideal contender for administrative roles.

I once worked with a the supervisor embodiment of certainty. He had a practically attractive appeal that attracted individuals, and he generally appeared to know precisely the exact thing to say to get what he needed. Be that as it may, in the background, it was an alternate story. He would consistently assume acknowledgment for his group's diligent effort and wasn't above twisting reality to do right by himself. It was baffling to watch, however it was difficult to reject that his strategies worked — he continued to get advanced, and his compensation continued to climb. I really wanted to ponder, is this the stuff to prevail in the present corporate world?

Assuming organizations keep on focusing on attributes like certainty and confidence disregarding the potential for dishonest way of behaving, they may unexpectedly be establishing conditions where harmful ways of behaving are compensated. This has extensive ramifications for the working environment culture as well as for society overall. At the point when the individuals who need compassion and will control their direction to the top are compensated, it communicates something specific that these are the qualities required for progress. This could prompt a cycle where an ever-increasing number of individuals feel forced to take on comparable ways of behaving to excel.

Be that as it may, what's the significance here — the individuals who esteem trustworthiness, uprightness, and cooperation? Would it be a good idea for us to begin embracing these dim qualities to succeed, or is there another way? Maybe the response lies in altering the manner in which we characterize outcome in corporate spaces. Rather than remunerating the individuals who seem certain and self-assured on a superficial level, organizations could profit from looking further, evaluating contender for characteristics like compassion, moral navigation, and genuine initiative potential.


While plainly dull character qualities can offer specific benefits in professional workplaces, it's memorable vital that these attributes can likewise prompt harmful working environments and unscrupulous way of behaving. As organizations keep on developing, there's trust that the accentuation on moral authority will develop, guaranteeing that the people who succeed do so as a result of their positive effect, not their capacity to control and bamboozle.


All in all, do you truly should be harmful to prevail in corporate spaces? The examination could recommend thus, however that doesn't mean it's the main way. By advancing a culture of moral initiative and remunerating honesty, we can make working environments where achievement is estimated by the positive commitments we make, not by the murkiness we're willing to embrace.

Sunday, August 11, 2024

How to Be Careful... Is it Calm...Or

Always Remember!

Never Give Up!

Got To Believe in Something!

The Good, The Bad, and The Ugly of the Narcissist and His Evil Twin - Decoding the Narcissist's Threat: “You Don't Know Who You're Messing With!”

In the intricate dance of human interactions, there's a peculiar move that some individuals, often labeled as narcissists, like to pull: the ominous declaration, “You don't know who you're messing with.” It's the verbal equivalent of a dark cloud rolling in, leaving others to wonder, why do they say it, and what should one do when faced with such veiled threats?

In a world where everyone is vying for a sense of control, the narcissist's words become both a shield and a sword, creating an illusion of power that can be disconcerting. Let's dive into the psychology behind this unsettling tactic and explore how to navigate the storm when a narcissist aims to cast a shadow over your life.

The Narcissist's Playbook: Unraveling the Menacing Verbiage] Ever encountered someone who, at the slightest hint of challenge, throws down the gauntlet with a stern warning: “You don't know who you're messing with”? It's a line straight out of the narcissist's playbook – a power move designed to instill fear and compliance. But why do they resort to such theatrics, and what lies beneath the surface of this ominous phrase?

The Psychology of Threats: Power, Fear, and Illusion

For narcissists, maintaining a façade of control is as essential as breathing. Uttering the ominous warning becomes a means to assert dominance and create an illusion of invincibility. It's a way to make you second-guess your actions and bow to their perceived authority. Unraveling the psychology behind this threat sheds light on the intricate dance of power dynamics in relationships.

The Evil Twin:

“I'll Make Your Life a Living Hell.” If “You don't know who you're messing with” is the opening act, its evil twin follows close behind: “If you ever do wrong by me, I'll make your life a living hell.” It's a sinister promise, designed to dangle the prospect of vengeance like a Damocles sword over your head. But how do you handle these threats without succumbing to the fear they're meant to instill?

Empathy and Humor as Shields:

Navigating the Narcissistic Storm Dealing with a narcissist's threats can be akin to walking through a verbal minefield. Empathy and humor, unexpected allies in this battle, can become powerful shields. Understanding the insecurities that drive the narcissist's need for control allows you to navigate the storm with a level head. After all, sometimes the best defense is a well-timed smile and a compassionate understanding of their underlying struggles.

Documentation: The Key to Breaking the Illusion

When faced with a narcissist's threats, documentation becomes your most potent weapon. Save those emails, messages, and any evidence that might serve as a shield should the need arise. The power of a narcissist lies in the shadows of ambiguity; documentation pulls back the curtain, exposing their tactics and allowing you to stand on solid ground.

Safety First: Working with Authorities

In cases where threats escalate beyond the verbal realm, ensuring your safety becomes the top priority. If you ever find yourself genuinely concerned about your well-being, don't hesitate to work with local authorities. Developing a safety plan with professionals can provide the peace of mind needed to navigate the storm with confidence.


In the grand theater of human relationships, the narcissist's ominous declaration is but a script, carefully crafted to maintain a veneer of control. Understanding the psychology behind the threat, wielding empathy and humor as shields, and arming yourself with documentation can turn the tables on the illusion they seek to create. As you navigate the storm, remember, you hold the pen to your own narrative, and the narcissist's script doesn't have to be your story.


In a world filled with complexities and power struggles, facing a narcissist's threats can be daunting. However, armed with insight, humor, and a commitment to your own well-being, you can turn the tables on the illusion of power they seek to create. As you journey through the twists and turns of human interactions, remember: you have the strength to craft your own story, one where threats hold no power, and empathy becomes your guiding star.

The Hidden Risks: Daily Marijuana Use Linked to Head and Neck Cancers!

Imagine a casual habit turning into a silent killer. You light up a joint to unwind, thinking it’s harmless, or perhaps even medicinal. But what if that daily ritual could be setting you up for something far more sinister? Recent research suggests that prolonged marijuana use might be leading many down a path to head and neck cancers, with risks far greater than previously understood.

Marijuana, long celebrated for its therapeutic benefits and increasingly legalized across the globe, is not without its risks. While the conversation has often focused on its potential to relieve pain, ease anxiety, and even replace more harmful substances like opioids, a darker side is emerging. A new study has revealed a troubling connection between daily cannabis use and a significant increase in the risk of developing head and neck cancers. Head and neck cancers, though not as widely discussed as other types, are incredibly dangerous, with survival rates plummeting if the disease spreads. With over 71,000 new cases and 16,000 deaths expected in 2024 alone, understanding the risk factors is more critical than ever. The recent findings indicate that the habitual use of marijuana, particularly when it becomes a disorder, could be a major contributing factor.

The study, led by Dr. Niels Kokot of the Keck School of Medicine at USC, highlights a crucial point: the dangers of marijuana might not lie solely in the substance itself, but in how it’s used. Cannabis use disorder—characterized by cravings, increased tolerance, and continued use despite negative consequences—may elevate the risk of developing head and neck cancers three- to five-fold. This is especially concerning given the growing normalization and accessibility of marijuana, which might inadvertently lead more people down this dangerous path.

Imagine, for a moment, someone you know—a friend, a sibling, or perhaps even yourself—using marijuana as a daily escape. It's a familiar story in our modern world. But what if that person knew the potential cost? What if they understood that each puff might be inching them closer to a diagnosis that could change their life forever? The study’s findings are a wake-up call, not just for those who use marijuana, but for society as a whole. The casual, carefree use of cannabis could have consequences far beyond what many of us have ever considered.

While the study did not differentiate between methods of consumption, it’s likely that the most common method—smoking—plays a significant role in this increased risk. Smoking marijuana, like smoking tobacco, exposes the delicate tissues of the head and neck to carcinogens that can trigger cancerous changes. And with head and neck cancers already claiming thousands of lives each year, the implications of this study are profound. But what does this mean for the future of marijuana use? As legalization spreads and the stigma around cannabis decreases, we may see a rise in daily use—and with it, a potential increase in related cancers. Public health campaigns and educational initiatives may need to shift their focus, warning not just of the immediate effects of marijuana, but of the long-term risks that could lie ahead.

The allure of marijuana as a natural, therapeutic substance is strong, and for many, it offers genuine relief. But as with any substance, there are risks—risks that must be acknowledged and understood. The connection between daily marijuana use and head and neck cancers is a sobering reminder that even our most familiar habits can carry hidden dangers.

As we continue to navigate the complexities of marijuana use in modern society, it’s crucial to stay informed and aware of the potential risks. This new research shines a light on a dark corner of cannabis use that many have yet to consider. So before you light up, take a moment to think about the long-term effects—and whether the temporary relief is worth the potential cost. After all, knowledge is power, and in this case, it could be the power to save a life.

List of Terms (1-16):

1. Head and Neck Cancers: Types of cancers that develop in the mouth, throat, larynx, nose, and sinuses.

2. Cannabis Use Disorder: A medical diagnosis for problematic cannabis use, characterized by symptoms such as cravings and withdrawal.

3. Carcinogens: Substances capable of causing cancer in living tissue.

4. Epstein-Barr Virus (EBV): A virus that can cause infectious mononucleosis and is linked to certain cancers.

5. Human Papillomavirus (HPV): A virus that can cause cancers, including cervical cancer and some head and neck cancers.

6. Metastasizes: The process by which cancer spreads from its original site to other parts of the body.

7. Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery: A medical specialty focused on the treatment of disorders and conditions of the ear, nose, throat, and related structures.

8. Survival Rate: The percentage of people who are still alive after a certain period following a diagnosis.

9. National Cancer Institute: A U.S. government agency responsible for cancer research and information dissemination.

10. JAMA Otolaryngology-Head & Neck Surgery: A peer-reviewed medical journal focusing on head and neck surgery.

11. Therapeutic Benefits: The health benefits derived from the use of a substance or treatment.

12. Tolerance: A condition in which the body becomes accustomed to a drug, requiring more of it to achieve the same effect.

13. Withdrawal: Symptoms that occur after stopping or reducing intake of a substance that one is dependent on.

14. Legalization: The process of making the use of a substance lawful.

15. Occupational Risk Factors: Aspects of a person's job that increase their risk of developing a disease.

16. Public Health Campaigns: Initiatives aimed at improving health outcomes on a population level through education and outreach.

Wednesday, July 31, 2024

Madame Zora's Bold Prediction: Kamala Harris to Win the 2024 Presidential Election?

This author has decided to turn her attention and look back to two articles she composed, one on October 15, 2023, and the other on October 31, 2023. I wrote these two articles for my Newsbreak Platform where I write under my initials J. A. Jackson.

Let me explain a little about myself: Writing is my passion. From my romance novels, cookbooks, to my creating self-help journals and coloring books for adults and kids. Creative writing and content creation is what I do.

Find a treasure trove of my enthralling tales under my initials on Amazon blog J.A. Jackson's

As I said in my Author’s bio, my grandmother and her many sisters, “the aunties” were said to be Clairvoyant. Coming from a long line of ladies of the mystic realm it is easy to look into checking with a mystic like Madame Zora to see what is going to happen in the future. With that said. Now let’s get back to topic of Madame Zora.

Madame Zora’s and her predictions:

Back in October of 2023, I shared Madame Zora’s predictions regarding the legal shenanigans of ex-president Donald Trump. Madame Zora declared Trump’s legal dominoes were just beginning to fall. Now in 2024, Trump may have had a breather from his legal dominoes falling but his chances of getting back into the White House with the Election in November 2024, just 97 days away. Madame Zora has again looked into her crystal ball, and she said she could have told Donald Trump the worst was yet to come, because Madame Zora knew that Kamala Harris’ Star was rising, and the Crystal ball wasn’t wrong when it Declared Kamala Harris was loved by the American People.

Key Knowledge/Assessment

When Madame Zora is asked; “Who is Favored to Win the 2024 United States presidential Election, “Madame Zora said, “Kamala Harris,” further adding. “My crystal balls is dead accurate,” Madame Zora said. “But then in my daily newspaper “The Magical Times News”, I knew I was right. When I read another’s predictor’s very same conclusion. Then I picked up the Hindustan Times, and there it was again,” she exclaimed as her eyes danced with excitement.

Madame Zora further goes on to say:

“In the article written in the Hindustan Times stated; “Notorious election forecaster Allan Lichtman, aka “Prediction Professor”, who has accurately predicted nearly every presidential election since 1984, suggests that Vice President Kamala Harris will win the 2024 election.”

Madame Zora went on to say. “Of course, who wins the 2024 Presidential Elections is the million-dollar question of the day. So, that is why I keep gathering data and do you know that I read from that modern-day American Nostradamus better known as the “election forecaster” whose professional name is Allan Lichtman? Well, the modern-day American Nostradamus cites that whoever wins more than six points in his ‘Keys to the White House’ formula will sit at Oval. And he has said that Karmala Harris sits with six, while Trump three.”

In the consistently unusual universe of governmental issues, Madame Zora, an eminent spiritualist, has by and by looked into her crystal ball, and read from her magical newspaper and her expectation for the 2024 US official political race is causing disturbances. Will VP Kamala Harris ascend to the top, as Madame Zora predicts? We should plunge into this charming story that interweaves the magical with the political.


In October 2023, I shared Madame Zora’s expectations about the legitimate difficulties encompassing former President Donald Trump. At that point, she pronounced that Trump’s legitimate dominoes were simply starting to fall. Presently, in 2024, as the official political decision lingers only 97 days away, Madame Zora’s crystal ball has by and by uncovered fascinating bits of knowledge. As per her, the star of Kamala Harris is the rising star with the American public.

Hypotheses and Suggestions

Madame Zora’s expectations are something beyond otherworldly insights; they reflect a more extensive feeling and scientific meticulousness. Allan Lichtman’s “Keys to the White House” recipe has been a dependable indicator for a really long time. As per Lichtman, the competitor who gets in excess of six keys wins the administration. At this point, Kamala Harris holds six keys, while Trump has just three. This knowledge adds weight to Madame Zora’s gem ball perusing.

The ramifications of a Harris triumph are significant. Besides the fact that its imprint would be a notable achievement for women and minorities in American governmental issues, it would likewise connote an emotional shift from the Trump era. Madame Zora’s expectation indicates a future where Harris’ administration and vision resound profoundly with the American electorate, possibly introducing another section of progress and solidarity.


As the 2024 official political race draws near, the stakes have never been higher. Madame Zora’s gem ball, joined with Allan Lichtman’s logical ability, illustrates Kamala Harris’ expected ascent to the administration. The intermingling of supernatural knowledge and observational information makes a story that is both interesting and influential.


In this consistently developing political scene, the forecasts of a spiritualist like Madame Zora offer an extraordinary point of view. Her foreknowledge, established in a long genealogy of telepaths, adds a hint of the otherworldly to the political talk. As we anticipate the political race results, one thing is clear: the dominoes are falling, and the fate of America remains in a precarious situation. Will Madame Zora’s precious stone ball demonstrate precision by and by? The reality of the situation will come out eventually. For the time being, we watch and stand by, enthralled by the unfolding show of the 2024 official political race.

Thursday, July 25, 2024

Is America Ready for Kamala Harris? A Nation at a Crossroads! ~ Breaking Barriers: Kamala Harris and the Quest for a Black Female President!

In today’s American Political landscape, few figures have ignited hope and controversy as intensely as Vice President Kamala Harris.

From her historic vice-presidential nomination and subsequent election victory many have been inspired, especially among marginalized communities, of black, brown, red, yellow and even white marginalized communities.

However, as Kamala Harris eyes a future presidential bid, questions arise about whether America is ready to embrace a Black female president or if the entrenched status quo will thwart her ambitions. This narrative delves into Harris's impact, the challenges she faces, and the broader implications for America's political future.

Kamala Harris, once Senator of the State of California, as well as that state's Attorney General. Her rise in American politics, symbolize a beacon of hope for many who feel disenfranchised by the traditional political system. Her nomination was not just a political strategy; it was a powerful statement about diversity and representation.

Harris, a woman of Black and South Asian descent, embodies the changing face of America—a nation that is becoming more diverse and inclusive. Her presence on the national stage offers a tangible sense of progress for communities that have long felt excluded from the corridors of American political power.

The overwhelming support from Black women, as evidenced by the #WinWithBlackWomen campaign, underscores the deep-seated desire for change. The campaign's Zoom meeting with 40,000 Black women, raising over $1.5 million, reflects a collective aspiration for a more inclusive and equitable America. Not to mention right after the Black Women held a money raising campaign, it was followed by 50,000 Black Men, as reported by MSNBC NEWS. “Thousands of Black men joined a virtual conference Monday night to fundraise for Kamala Harris' presidential campaign, according to the event's organizers. The massive turnout helped dispel toxic myths about Black men’s willingness to back a woman candidate.” The combination of these various groups leading support highlights the critical role Black Women and Black Men are playing in shaping the political landscape, often serving as the backbone of the Democratic Party.

Yet, the road to the White House is fraught with obstacles. America's political system is deeply entrenched, with centuries-old structures designed to preserve the status quo. For example, the history of systemic racism and sexism cannot be ignored, as these forces have consistently hindered progress for women and people of color. Harris's journey is emblematic of the broader struggle for equality and justice in a nation that often grapples with its own contradictions. And Harris’s journey despite the obstacles does signal a sign of hope.

Using my own experiences. From my early childhood growing up in the segregated South and moving with the great mass wave of families who headed “North” for better living, education, jobs, during the 60’s. I have witnessed the duality of America's promise and its challenges. Growing up, I saw my community's struggles and triumphs, the resilience of my peers, and the persistent barriers they faced. The election of Kamala Harris resonated deeply, serving as a reminder that representation matters and that the fight for a more inclusive society is far from over.

Is America prepared for a Black female president? As Harris continues her political career the question remains. And the answer is complex and the response is nuanced. On the one hand, a shift in public sentiment can be seen in the growing support for diverse candidates. Leaders who are a reflection of the values and experiences of the younger generation, which is more diverse and progressive, are in high demand.

Harris and others who are similar to her may be able to forge new ground in American politics thanks to this shift in the demographics.

However, the resistance from traditional power structures cannot be underestimated. The political landscape is rife with challenges, from voter suppression efforts to entrenched biases within the electorate. These obstacles pose significant threats to Harris's potential presidential aspirations and reflect the broader struggle for systemic change.

The implications of Harris's journey extend beyond her personal ambitions. Her success or failure will serve as a barometer for America's willingness to embrace true diversity in leadership. A Harris presidency would signify a monumental shift, challenging the very foundations of the status quo. It would signal that America is ready to confront its historical injustices and move towards a more inclusive future.

Kamala Harris stands at a pivotal crossroads in American history. Her potential candidacy for the presidency represents both hope and a formidable challenge to the centuries

-old system designed to maintain the status quo. The overwhelming support from Black women and other marginalized communities showcases a profound desire for change and progress. However, the path ahead is uncertain, and the question of whether America is truly ready for a Black female president remains open.

In conclusion, Kamala Harris's journey is a testament to the resilience and determination of those who dare to challenge the established order. Her story is a reminder that progress is possible, but it requires collective effort and unwavering commitment to justice and equality. As America continues to evolve, the hope she represents must be nurtured and supported, for it is through such hope that real, lasting change can be achieved.

By embracing leaders like Harris, America has the potential to fulfill its promise as a land of opportunity and equality for all. The future remains uncertain, but the seeds of change have been sown, and it is up to the people to ensure they flourish.

Tuesday, July 9, 2024

Why Black Women in America will stay with President Biden in November 2024!

It can be assured that not all, but the majority of Black Women in America are probably going to keep supporting President Joe Biden in November 2024 because of multiple factors, in view of political, social, and monetary contemplations:

Black Women have generally upheld their favorite Voter based competitor in elections, because of the party's position on social liberties, civil rights, and monetary fairness. This pattern is probably going to continue with Biden, in 2024, because Biden does address these issues that matter to them. Here's why.

Strategy Accomplishments:

Financial Approaches: Biden's organization has centered around monetary arrangements pointed toward pay imbalance, expanding loss wages, and further developing open positions, to benefit women of color.

In addition, Biden has shown support for the Black Lives Matter movement and has been vocal about addressing racial injustice and inequality.

Medical care Access: Growing admittance to reasonable medical services, which is a critical issue for African American populations, has been vital for Biden. He has made it an important part of his focus going forward.

Training: Approaches pointed toward paying off understudy obligation (college loans) and expanding subsidizing for generally Black dominated schools and colleges (HBCUs) reverberate with Individuals of color.

Civil Rights and Social equality:

Improvement in law enforcement: obligation to weed out fundamental bigotry/semantic racism and transforming the law enforcement framework, including lessening mass imprisonment and police change, lines up, all of these things are on the top list of issues and worries of People of color.

Voting Rights: Biden's endeavors to safeguard and extend Voting rights measures are what Biden believe to be the basic right of all people, especially Individuals of color, who have been at the very front of battling election concealment.

Positive Portrayal:

VP Kamala Harris: Who everyone knows as being a Black Woman who is also of South Asian origin. Is President Bidens, VP and his critical component. Her presence in the Biden organization features a significant positive portrayal and moves trust in Biden's favor.

Arrangements and Inclusivity: Biden's organization has gained ground in delegating a different scope of people to key positions, which supports his obligation to inclusivity and positive portrayal.

Reaction to Racial Treachery:

Support for Black Lives Matter: Biden has shown he is willing to help for the People of color and has no problem with Black Lives Matter. Biden has been instrumental in helping and developing avenues of hope in the Black Community not to mention he has been very vocal and outspoken on the issues of racial treachery and disparity.

Biden’s Trending Message that He Can't stand Wrongdoings: His organization has done whatever it takes to battle disdain violations and brutality against African American populations, further strengthening his support.

Conservative Resistance: The approaches and manner of speaking from the Conservative Alliance, especially those affected by previous President Donald Trump, have frequently been seen as unfriendly to the interests of Individuals of color.

Many Black Women took offense with ex-President Donald Trump said. “I’ve said this and I say it openly and not a lot of people dispute it: I’ve done more for Black Americans than anybody with the possible exception of Abraham Lincoln. Nobody has even been close.” This blatantly lie went a long way with Black Women and the Black Community to let them know ex-President Donald Trump didn’t care about them, nor did he have a clue about who they were. A sad reality that still exist today.

This differentiation between ex-President Donald Trump and President Biden is looked at firsthand, it is no wonder that President Biden is favored, added to this President Biden's decision to make a point to expose ex-President Donald Trump’s racist attitude toward the rights of Black people.

Local area Commitment:

Grassroots Endeavors: Biden's mission has effectively drawn in with African American populations through grassroots endeavors, listening meetings, and strategy conversations, which assembles trust and affinity.

Support from Compelling Pioneers: Supports and backing from powerful Dark pioneers and associations reinforce Biden's allure among Individuals of color.

These variables altogether add to the probability of why Black Women in America will stay with President Biden in November 2024.

Friday, June 28, 2024

The Hidden Costs of Fast Food: Corporate Greed and Inflation!

Have you ever walked into a fast-food restaurant and felt like you were getting more than just a meal, but a lesson in corporate greed? Hold onto your seats, because my recent experience at Burger King might just open your eyes to the bigger picture.

Picture it!

Just an ordinary regular day, and I decided to treat myself to a couple of Whopper Juniors from Burger King, before their special ended.

You know their slogan, "Have it your way?" Well, it was ringing in my ears as I placed my order. I requested two Whopper Juniors for the special price of $5.00, asking them to hold the mayo and ketchup and add mustard instead. I don't like ketchup or mayo; I love mustard on my burgers. Simple, right? What could go wrong?

Well, little did I know that seemingly simple request would come with an unexpected cost. Wait for it!

Here goes!

Burger King charged me an additional $0.50 per burger just to add mustard. Despite my saving them on mayo and ketchup, since I asked them to not add them, they found a way to squeeze extra money out of me. This minor incident is a microcosm of a larger issue—corporate America's relentless pursuit of profit, even in the face of inflation.

Even now, I’m still pissed-off at Burger King. You see this minor incident is a microcosm of a larger issue—corporate America's relentless pursuit of profit, even in the face of inflation.

This experience made me reflect on just how our economy has changed and the reasons for the blatant displays of corporate greed that we are seeing.

I'm not done venting. It's not just about my burger; it's also about the general trend of businesses profiting from inflation. Let's investigate the repercussions further. It is well known that CEOs and major shareholders are doing everything in their power to maintain high prices in 2024.

Studies have found that many organizations are trying different schemes to see just how much buyers will pay, pushing costs up while checking deals information to expand benefits. Even though this practice is not new, it has become more common since the pandemic.

This history of corporate greed isn’t new.

Back in November of 2022, Senator Bernie Sanders, predicted that this was where corporate America was heading. Citing, Decades of economic policies that favor Wall Street and corporate CEOs have created an economy that is dangerously out of balance.

Evidence now shows that big companies took advantage of their market dominance to hike prices during the pandemic.

Looking back at Senator Sanders report and new proof accumulated, it shows that many corporations had the option to exploit their market strength during the pandemic and use it to rake in profits.

These reports showed that corporate benefits peaked during the second from last quarter of 2022, when expansion was to say the least.

Information from the St. Profits remain above pre-pandemic levels, as demonstrated by the Louis Federal Reserve.

Therefore, let us now ponder this crucial inquiry: if businesses are doing so well, why are consumers bearing the brunt of price increases?

Did you know that, according to a recent survey, three out of five Americans now believe that corporate greed is a major contributor to inflation? The growing dissatisfaction with large corporations' pricing strategies is reflected in this widespread sentiment.

My experience at Burger King is just one example of how corporate practices can directly impact consumers. While a $0.50 charge for mustard might seem trivial, it symbolizes a much larger issue. Corporate greed and inflation are intertwined, with businesses leveraging their market power to extract more from consumers, all while maintaining high profits.

In 2024, as we navigate an economy marked by inflation and corporate concentration, it's crucial to recognize these practices and advocate for fairer economic policies. My story might have started with a burger, but it ends with a call to action. Let’s hold corporations accountable and push for a more balanced and equitable economy.

By reflecting on personal experiences and connecting them to broader economic trends, we can better understand the impact of corporate practices on everyday consumers. It’s time to challenge the status quo and demand transparency and fairness from the companies that serve us.