Chapter 9
Ryker Granger sat beside his father’s hospital bed and realized that his parents weren’t invincible. He also realized he envied the relationship his parents had together.
A stabbing pain shot through his father as he tried to sit up and reach out. “Ouch!”
“Dad, what are you thinking? Just lie still,” Ryker said.
“I hate waking up in a hospital room,” Colbert declared. “What happened to me anyway?”
“All I know is one-minute Isabella is yelling for me to come quickly because you were having chest pains and the next thing I knew you collapsed in my arms. You’ve been in the hospital a week now.”
“Yeah, I remember that,” Colbert nodded. “Did the doctors say what was wrong with me?”
“They said you were dehydrated, exhausted, and your blood pressure was running higher than normal, and they are still running tests.”
Colbert reached for the blanket. “I want to pull the blanket closer,” his father said and the looked around the room.
“Let me do that,” Ryker said, adjusting the blanket.
His father glanced around the room. “Where’s your mother?”
“Isabella took her downstairs to the cafeteria,” Ryker replied. “Hah!’ His father nodded and smiled. “I seriously doubt that. The two of them probably rushed off somewhere to find the nearest Thai restaurant.”
Ryker had to admit he was right. “You know it.”
Colbert leaned up and raised his hand. He waved Ryker closer. “Good, because there’s something I wanted to talk to you about, in private, son.”
“Yes sir,” Ryker replied.
“Let me cut to the chase Ryker. I’m your father and I’d like to feel that you got that Taker instinct from me. Chasing women, loving the art of doing business. You know what I mean,” his father laughed out.
Ryker smiled coolly and sat in silence.
“Hell, you’re a hot-blooded Granger just like me. I know you got that chasing tail gene from me, that’s for sure.”
Ryker read his father’s eyes and a smile flitted across his face.
The two shared a laugh.
All at once Colbert inhaled a deep breath and stared back at his son. “But Ryker, by the time I was your age I was married to your mother and she was pregnant with you. Now I know you don’t want to give up your freedom. And that’s why I’ve given this a lot of thought.” Ryker stood there staring back at his father.
“And you know what else Ryker?” He pointed to the chair. “Maybe you should sit down before I say what I’m going to say.”
Ryker pulled a chair in close. “Okay, what is it, Dad?”
Colbert cleared his throat loudly. “Ryker, I love you, son,” he hesitated. “And I know you know all about my having your half-brother, Steele Coltrane two years before you were born.”
“Dad I know all about the family history. Why are you telling me this?”
His father frowned. “I’m getting to that part Ryker, indulge your father for once and let me finish,” he said with a tilt of his head. “Anyway, like I was saying that Cierra Cantrell is one really nice girl. And I want grandchildren, so does your mother and since getting married and starting a family is the farthest thing from your mind. Your mother and I discussed it and we agreed that Cierra was the perfect young woman to have our grandchildren by.”
The moment was silent.
Finally, Colbert spoke. “You see Ryker, sometimes parents have to make hard choices. They have to look at their children in a way where they evaluate them to see what strengths they have and what weaknesses. Now take you, for instance, you have an authoritative business manner, but your disposition is like mine when I was your age. I loved to sow my wild oats too. Did you know Ryker that in ancient times the Egyptians believed that there was danger in giving too much power to the youngest son?”
“No father, I didn’t know that,” Ryker replied. “What’s this all about?”
“Hush and let me finish,” Colbert said quickly. “You know I was thinking that your brother Steele, who’s the oldest and he has a gentle disposition and he’s devoted to you and me.”
“He is your eldest I agree, but Steele is loyal only to you, I think, father.”
“Oh, come now Ryker you know I feel you are a good son, an excellent son,” Colbert said patting his hand. “It’s just that I have a task that needs to be performed and I just feel Steele would be the right son for the job.”
“Okay Dad, where is all of this leading?” Colbert said slowly. “Well your mother and I had been discussing things and we want grandchildren. And so, we’ve asked your older brother Steele to marry Cierra and have our grandchildren and he agreed. So that’s that. You won’t be messing around with our future daughter in law and you need to get that through that thick skull of yours now!”
Ryker slowly rose up from his chair. “What the…”
At the precise moment, his father grabbed his chest and let out a hollowing moan. “Oh! Shit, this is a big one! Damn it hurts!”
“Dad, what’s the matter?”
His father screamed and doubled over.
Ryker rushed and pushed the panic button beside his father’s bed.
“Nurse! Nurse!” He yelled I think my father’s having a heart attack.”
Between gasps, for air, Colbert muttered. “Ryker… My son go and find your mother!”
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