
Saturday, August 4, 2012

The Orchid Lover – The Saga Continues...

The next day, Camille Baptiste woke up before her mother Gabby Baptiste.   She listened intently for the sound of her mother walking about. Then threw off her covers and walked over to her window.  For several minutes she stood there gazing down.  

For a moment the street looked surreal.  Camille shook out her thoughts and then looked again. The street looked exactly as it did last night.  Only in the daylight the grass, trees houses and cars were brightening by the Sunlight.

 Last night had certainly been a strange especially coming face to face with a person from her past.

Camille took a deep breath and closed her eyes. She could smell Desmond Garcia’s brand of cigarettes and his aftershave. When she thought about him she could see him.

Desmond Garcia was a tall man. With jet back wavy hair and slanted sleepy lidded eyes of coffee brow.

  She breathed out slowly. Once again she felt that eerie feeling again. She felt like she was being watched. 
            The feeling grew and her heart beat raced wildly.  

That surreal feeling came again.  A chilled frisson passed over her.


Camille jumped as a shiver ran down her spine.

“Mom, I thought you were still asleep.

“Is anything wrong Camille? You almost jumped out of your skin,” Gabby Baptiste asked.

“Oh mom I’m fine.”

Gabby’ eyes dark as coffee widened. She knew her daughter. She wasn’t fine.  “Camille I just want to know what happened to you last night.”

She blew out a breath. “I don’t know mom. I guess I’ve just been working too much. That’s all it is. There is nothing to worry about.”

Gabby’s mother intuition was buying it. “You’re my daughter. I know you.  You are still not over that man’s death. You know that Desmond Garcia fellow?”

Camille shifted her gaze and turned to stare of the framed picture of Desmond she kept on her dresser.

Her mother watched her. “See you still have a picture of that dead man in your room.

Gabby walked over to the dresser and snatched up Desmond Garcia’s picture.

“The first thing I’m going to do is get rid of this picture.”

Camille moved quickly. “No!” She yelled at the top of her lungs. “If Desmond picture lives this house then I leave it too!”

Stay tuned…….to be continued…

Sunday, July 22, 2012

The Orchid Lover

Lighting exploded in the dark sky, as Camille Baptiste parked her car.  It was half past midnight on a Saturday night. She smiled recalling a distant memory. It was one of her grandmother saying. Beware half past midnight, because it was the bewitching hour.

  Camille Baptiste shook out her thoughts. She was dead tired, she realized as she as she made her way down the street toward the house. It was then it happened. Behind her as she took another step. She saw the lights flash as if by magic, she stopped abruptly and turned her head. She turned around quickly taking another step.  

  Camille Baptiste eyes widen in recognition. She stood staring spellbound. A ghostly eerie white light glowed back at her. It raised the hairs on the back of her neck.
Desmond Garcia wasn’t standing in front of her. But his ghost was.
She gasped and took a step back. Disbelieving panic overtook her. “Desmond….Desmond… But you’re dead. I saw them kill you.”
Desmond’s body floated like a vapor on the wind.
That was the last thing Camille remembered before the shock took body and she went limp. She fell hard to the ground.
The shrill shriek of a siren blaring imperiously was the next thing she remembered.
Someone was shining a flashlight into her face. She opened her eyes tying to see.
 “Miss….Miss. Are you alright?” the police asked.
Camille recovered enough to answer.  “Yes,” she said taking his hand to pull herself up.

Stay tuned…….to be continued…

Sunday, June 24, 2012

“You didn’t make him any promises? Did you?”

Melina only shrugged and gave Nicky a determined look.

“I do know Marc and Quinn didn’t get along much Nicky." Melina said giving his arm a playful nudge.

“Perhaps you should run and give him a call Nicky, so that you can stay up on his plans. I’m sure he’d be glad to hear from you.  Here’s his number”, she said handing him a piece of paper.

Nicky took the piece of paper, rose quickly and left the room.

Melina turned her attention back to her friend.

“Are you okay Lisette?”

Lisette was silent for a second. “You sure know how to handle Nicky.”

“Yeah I was just thinking. You know I really had a big crush on Marc back in high school. I guess it was that school jock thing”.

“Who didn’t you have a crush on?” Melina shrugged. “Marc had tight abs, he was handsome and a jock”.

Lisette breathed out slowly, “That’s what enchanted me the most”.

“You and me both”, Melina sighed dreamily. “But who did you really like better back then?”

“What do you mean?” Lisette looked puzzled.

“I mean if you had to think about it which would you say was the one you’d most like to have sex with Quinn or Marc?”

Lisette lifted a brow and grinned wickedly. “Well”, she hesitated. “I guess after seeing Quinn naked at the lake that morning, I’d have to go with Quinn.”

“Talk about two people just missing each other at the right moment. You two missed the boat on that one,” Melina giggled.

Lisette eyes grew wide. “Yeah, we did.”

The two friends giggled simultaneously.

Unbeknownst to Lisette and Melina Nicky stood hidden in the hallway listening. Their conversation was fascinating to him. His dark handsome face held a tense expression of quiet knowing. He just heard something he could use to his advantage later. The edge of his lips curved up into a sinister smile.  He knew the information that the two friends had just shared was priceless.
The Ghost of My Dreams
The full moon shined through the window.
That was the way it always started.
I looked out the window
and stared at the bright blue black sky of the night.
It looked strange with the shining white glow of the moon.
A strong floral scent whi
ffs the air.

It was coming.....Just like always.
 Suddenly cold air blew around me.
The sensation let me know I was not alone.
All at once a ghastly sound filled the air,
It sounded like the rush of the wind.
I looked up and there she stood.
Her sheer dress bellowing in the wind liked a winged bird.
She was the ghost I saw in my dreams.
By J.A. Jackson 2012 ©  aka JERREECE A. JACKSON
ffs the air.

It was coming.....Just like always.

 Suddenly cold air blew around me.
The sensation let me know I was not alone.
All at once a ghastly sound filled the air,
It sounded like the rush of the wind.
I looked up and there she stood.
Her sheer dress bellowing in the wind liked a winged bird.
She was the ghost I saw in my dreams.
By. J.A. Jackson 2012 ©

 Suddenly cold air blew around me.
The sensation let me know I was not alone.
All at once a ghastly sound filled the air,
It sounded like the rush of the wind.
I looked up and there she stood.
Her sheer dress bellowing in the wind liked a winged bird.
She was the ghost I saw in my dreams.
By. J.A. Jackson 2012 ©

The Foggy Foggy Night  by J.A.Jackson

A Foggy night

A darken sky

Dark secrets

A husky shaky voice come from out of know where, is it from the sky?

A bird screeched

The moon is a glow…..

And then suddenly

A strange light rise up

Like soft lighting

It flash

Tearing open the real and the surreal

All around the air seems mystically charged

You feel like something is watching you…

A presence looms ever near just in the distance, a shadow from the darkness watches.

Its stares back at you eyes hidden by a hood.

There’s that  soft flash of light like a lightning bolt

The eyes gleam back at you they look like the eyes of a snake.

Your blood runs cold, your heart skips a beat…..

Then all at once you hear a  cold bloody scream from out of nowhere!

Just past your left  you hear a  crack of a tree branch someone is near…...

Then suddenly a loud high pitch shrill voice pierces the cold night air…….

 “Hello how you doing? I want to join the party, if that’s okay with you,"

 said a petite woman,  with a  round face framed by a mass of curly purple hair and  a face like a fairy-tale God Mother.

Author; Jerreece Jackson AKA  J.A.JACKSON ALL RIGHTS RESERVED 2012