
Monday, June 3, 2024

Greetings! I'd Like to Share a Story I did on my Medium Platform about Craiglist! Hope You Find it Interesting!

I’m going back now and reviewing some stories I’ve written on my Medium platform and sharing them here on my blog. Here is one story that I think everyone will enjoy. I wrote this one in December 2020. Remember Craig’s List? Well, take a read and see if you find something interesting.

Craigslist Code Words & The Forbidden Language!

For those who do not know, I’m a writer.

Yup! I am working on another book. Anyway, long story short, there I was, minding my own business. Just surfing the internet trying to find out the different meaning for a rose, the flower, the real flower is what I was searching for. Yes, you heard me right. I was looking up meanings for the various colors of roses. When bam! Smack! I ran right into it! And guess what? You are not going to believe it.

So here goes…

If you are looking for trouble, well Craigslist is full of it. If you are just naïve, then you better wise up before you head over to Craigslist. Why? Because Craigslist has its own special code language and you’d better wise up to it before you head over to Craigslist.

With that said take notes...

First up, if you see an ad on Craigslist that says I want forty roses, it’s an ad from a prostitute saying she’s charging forty dollars. I kid you not! I am not making this stuff up!

Guess what else? Did you know if someone on Craigslist say they want or are giving French Lessons; they do not really mean the school kind of “French lessons?” French Lessons is code for prostitution?

And when they say, “without an interpreter,” they mean they want to have unprotected sex. Naw, no way you say? Yup! True way. That’s what it means. For real! I read it myself. I’m still in shock. I guess I don’t surf the internet “wildly enough,” I think me needs to get educated and sign up for the New 2020 Hip Urban Slang Class 101!

But the biggest find, I found was the reference or meaning when you see the name Tina Turner on Craigslist. Yes! They even have a code for Tina, and Tina Turner. Now this might shock those who don’t get out much like me. But here goes: If you search for Tina or Tina Turner on Craigslist you might end up ordering crystal methamphetamine. So don’t do it! It might land you in a world of trouble.

Think it can’t get any worse. Well it can! If you see the words Water Works/ Wet Works on Craigslist it means they are asking for somebody to urinate on them. Heck these folks must be hard up because my neighbor’s dog “Zeus” will do that for free.

Here are a few others:

The word ski is code for doing cocaine. So also, is the words California cornflakes.

Rolls Royce is code for a luxury ride alright. A right on the ecstasy bus that is.

Riding the “H” train is code for heroin.

Sugar, roses, doe all stand for money.

Party favors are not those cute little prizes you get at baby showers, its code for drugs.

Well, there you have it a few codes you need to know before heading over to Craigslist.

And please remember never use Craigslist for socializing because there are too many places on Craigslist that could get you into trouble. Also, if you are going to use Craigslist, use it wisely and protect yourself and watch out for predators. Be careful and be safe!

News Flash! Updated News Craigslist ads and a new hidden word meaning! Picture it! You are looking at ads in Craigslist and you run across an ad that reads. “Offering “Winter White Fine…

J. A. Jackson Author J. A. Jackson Author

Book Author J.A. Jackson is the pseudonym for an author, who loves to write! Visit-Blog: Last published Apr 28, 2024 Published in An Idea (by Ingenious Piece) · 3 min read · Dec 27, 2020

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