
Wednesday, April 29, 2020

How to Stay Optimistic During Coronavirus Blues!

Have you ever heard staying optimistic can improve your health? Well studies show that it can. Don’t believe me? Just “Google” it. With that said the good news is that studies have proven that when you stay optimistic you can make your immune system stronger, thus decreasing your chance at getting a disease and you can even improve your health and help yourself live longer.

So, how do you become optimistic? Well, just like most things, like learning to play a piano, or playing cards, or playing chess, just like you can learn anyone of those things to do, you can learn, to be optimistic.

How do you do this? Well, of course, you can take the self-help #Free approached and google technics on how to become optimistic, online, or you can read a book. One book that comes to mind is "Learned Optimism: How to Change Your Mind and Your Life" by Dr. Martin Seligman, a renowned psychologist.

But if you are still straddling the fence with the self-help thing, just visit one of the many sites out there on the world wide web, with articles on the subject of how to become optimistic, one that I like can be found at this link.

And finally, most importantly always find the optimistic viewpoint in every negative situation., this will always be your first step on learning how to stay optimistic in any situation.

Now that you know, start today on staying optimistic during the Coronavirus Blues. We can and will make it through this.

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