
Thursday, June 20, 2024

What Can Beyoncé’s Lemonade and Lessons in Positivity Teach You?

Embrace the Zest

When Life Serves You Lemons!

Have you ever experienced a day like that when nothing goes right? You know the kind of day I’m talking about. The one that has you feeling like a dark cloud is following you around.

So, life chose to give you a bushel loaded with lemons?

Did you know even celebrities have lemon days? World Star Beyonce faced her basket of lemons days. Remember her hit song “Lemonade?”

Well, 'Lemonade' is a deeply personal testament describing Queen Bey's discovery that her husband – the rapper Jay-Z – had been unfaithful. During its twelve songs Beyonce takes us on her journey from denial and anger to emptiness and apathy, forgiveness and redemption. And at the end of one song she has the quote. “I was served lemons, but I made lemonade.”

So, let's take a look at how we can turn lemons into lemonade and maintain a positive outlook regardless of what life throws at us.

Life isn't always bright and sunny. Sometimes it hits you square in the face. However, you don’t have to let your basket of lemons keep you sour. Just like others, before you make something sweet out of your basket of lemons, make lemonade. Making lemonade just means you turn something sour into something sweet . Let's look at how maintaining a positive outlook can change our lives in the same way that turning bitter lemons into refreshing lemonade can.

1. Psychological wellness: Positive feelings resemble an emotional well-being promoter shot. They aid in stress management, mood stabilization, and prevention of depression. Zeroing in on the beneficial things can prompt a more joyful, better psyche.

2. Physical Health: Did you know that having a positive attitude can help your heart? It could in fact amount to 10 years to your life! In addition, it helps you recover from illnesses more quickly and lowers your risk of getting a cold.

3. Critical thinking: A positive outlook can transform issues into open doors. Instead of obstacles, you see opportunities to learn and develop. Using this strategy, problems can be solved more quickly and effectively.

4. Gratitude: Gratitude changes everything. It improves sleep quality, boosts immunity, and makes you feel happier. People who are grateful also tend to be gentler and more understanding.

5. Stress Reduction: Positive thinking can lower stress levels. At the point when you center around the good parts of a circumstance, your body feels not so much focused but rather more loose. 6. Better Connections: Energy draws in energy. Positive mental attitude increases the likelihood of developing healthy relationships. Individuals are attracted to the people who transmit positive energy.

7. Versatility: Remaining positive assists you with returning from misfortunes. It assembles flexibility, making it more straightforward to deal with life's difficulties without getting overpowered.

8. Creativity: Having a positive attitude can help you be more creative. Your mind is free to think outside the box and come up with creative solutions when you are not distracted by negative thoughts.

9. Efficiency: Inspiration increments efficiency. At the point when you accept things will end up great, you're more roused to try sincerely and accomplish your objectives. 10. Last but not least, positive thinking contributes to general happiness. It is the key to living a happy and fulfilled life.

The way to make lemonade from life's lemons is about viewpoint. Negative thoughts should not be ignored. But don’t stay stuck dwelling on them. Move forward, make the sour into sweet. It implies moving toward life's difficulties with the conviction that something great can emerge from them.

Take a page from Beyoncé's book. With her album "Lemonade," she turned her personal turmoil into a powerful message of strength and redemption. Her journey from suffering to forgiveness demonstrates to us that we can also make meaningful use of our challenges.

Imagine a world where everybody thought positively. Happiness would skyrocket and stress levels would fall. Individuals would be better, stronger, and prepared to handle any test life tosses their direction.

Conclusion Remaining positive after life serves you lemons is a definitive recipe for a superior life. The advantages are endless, ranging from relationships and productivity to mental and physical health. So next time life gives you lemons, don't simply make lemonade — make it the best lemonade of all time.

Closing Keep in mind, life is what you think about it. With a positive outlook, you can transform what is happening into something sweet and invigorating. Make the most of life's challenges by turning them into lemonade! Many thanks to you for going along with me on this excursion to inspiration. Keep smiling and remaining optimistic!

Corsets Are Back—And No, It’s Not Just Because of Netflix's Bridgerton

I bet you can’t guess what Netflix series I have been watching lately.

Go on Guess!

Can’t guess?

Well, of course it’s none other than the most recent season of Netflix’s Bridgerton. You know I just can’t get enough of Lady Whistledown, and I just love all the hairstyles and of course the famous corsets.

Many individuals are shocked to see undergarments getting back in the style saddle. Despite the fact that consideration might have been aroused by Netflix's Bridgerton, there are more crucial foundations for this inclination.

Let’s inspect why undergarments are getting back in the saddle and why they aren't the brutal contraptions that many people believe them to be.

It has been noted that searches for corsets have up 'til now, reached unbelievable levels since January 2021. Bridgerton without a doubt added to this increase with its perfectly fashionable corset garments. It's a pretty good idea that people were impacted by the show's clothing, considering that it is the most viewed show on Netflix.

Then again, during the pandemic it was seen that this too contributed fundamentally to the undergarment's rebound. Online deals of cozy corset apparel expanded as additional people decide to work from home. Organizations, like La Perla, for example, have noticed huge floods in looks for catchphrases like "body" and "bustier." One of the greatest patterns on Depop, a significant Gen Z stage, is girdles.

Even the influencer Kim Kardashian wears a corset. Did you know she wore one to the Met Gala on Monday, May 6,2024? She wore a silver one and was noted as saying. Speaking with Vogue, she said that the look was meant to represent “the wildest night of my life in a garden.”

In a behind-the-scenes video of her fitting for Vogue, Kardashian revealed some shocking details about the look that fans didn’t see on the red carpet. Apparently Kim states she struggled to breathe.

Despite the difficulty, Kardashian says she loved the corset because it made her boobs and waist look “so good.”

“I’ll feel so snatched, I won’t even be able to communicate to you how snatched I feel,” Kim Kardashian said.

A well fitted undergarment shouldn't cause torment, despite the worries of the individuals who are awkward wearing them. Very much like an underwire bra, an accurately fitted undergarment can give solace and backing. Exorbitant uneasiness in the past has as often as possible been credited to tight binding or a mistaken fit, which might be promptly stayed away from with current fits and plans.

Teacher of history Deirdre Clemente brings up that a ton of the time, individuals misjudge the peril related with undergarments. In spite of the fact that they were generally utilized as body control strategies, they weren't risky all of the time. Numerous ladies utilized them with no issues. I can talk from individual experience when that's what I say, a long way from feeling constrictive, wearing a girdle might feel exquisite and strong.

There might be an association between the resurgence of bodices and bigger style. Girdles give a strategy to highlight regular bends without making long haul actual changes, as society pushes toward commending an assortment of body types. How undergarments are made and worn today mirrors this progress from outside forming to self-acknowledgment.

Consistently developing to suit contemporary patterns, bodices keep on having persevering through offer. They have dazzled us however long they have, from authentic need to design explanation. Girdles were never truly unfashionable, despite the fact that Bridgerton brought them back into the public eye. They keep on being a charming combination of design, history, and singularity.

Try not to be frightened to check an undergarment out, whether you're looking for a stylish, strong outfit or are enlivened by verifiable shows. Review that solace and suitable fit are significant. Acknowledge the vogue and savor the experience of the exemplary style that girdles give to any outfit.

Tuesday, June 18, 2024

Trusting Your Gut: How to Avoid Dating Another Narcissist

I had a friend, who dated a narcissist for almost five years. She described those years as a journey through hell and back, with extreme highs of attraction followed by devastating lows of rejection and abuse. The relationship was filled with gaslighting, mental and verbal abuse, and constant confusion. Now that she’s out of that toxic relationship, she’s afraid to start dating again, wondering if she’s somehow only capable of attracting narcissists.

For her it’s like she believes she is wearing some invisible perfume that draws the wrong people. I get what she is saying because I grew up hearing my mother, grandmother and aunties give advice like saying. “The reason that woman can’t get a man is because she wears desperation perfume. Or She’s got on that rejection perfume again, she can’t catch a good man, wearing that.” You get the picture.

Now back to my friend.

During our conversation, I told her that the number one thing to do if you suspect you’re on a date with a narcissist is to trust your gut. If something doesn’t feel right, it probably isn’t. Everyone is born with an innate ability to sense danger—some call it a gut feeling, others call it intuition. Yet, many people ignore these feelings, especially when someone seems charming, confident, or powerful. Believe it, many narcissists are charming, confident and powerful.

When you go out on a date, don’t ignore gut feelings. You should do the opposite. First, tune up your personal radar and observe the subtle signs around you. Our subconscious mind picks up on body language, facial expressions, eye contact, tone of voice, and more. These indicators can send signals to your gut, alerting you if someone doesn’t seem genuine. So, my advice is to pay careful attention and always trust your gut.

Also, remember if you are with a narcissist, they can place their attention elsewhere while with you. Notice when they do, and what their attention captures. At the point when somebody doesn't appear to be earnest, these signs can convey messages to your stomach, your gut.

Subsequently, listen cautiously to the words your date says, and pay attention to your gut feelings. Here are some signs to look for, these signs can help you determine whether you may be dating a narcissist.

• Outrageous Self-Focus: They rule the conversation, ceaselessly examining themselves, their achievements, and their tendencies without showing genuine interest in your life or experiences.

• Absence of Compassion/Empathy: When you share individual stories or opinions, they have every one of the reserves of being uninterested or vainglorious, and they show basically no concern for your feelings.

• Pretentiousness: They overstate their accomplishments while making light of those of others and lauding their predominance, extraordinary capacities, or encounters.

• They Require Respect: They anticipate that you should be in wonder of them and continually look for approval and praises.

• Honor: They have an expanded inclination for self-centeredness, expecting phenomenal treatment and turning out to be vexed in case things don't end up great for them.

• Manipulative Approach to acting: They use allure, hero worship, or constrain to control the conversation or situation for their expected advantage.

• Conceit and Haughtiness: They dissuade, make demonizing comments, or show a tendency to dominate, much of the time making you feel shoddy or insignificant.

• Non-Accountability: They do not take accountability and regularly blame others.

• Revolve around Appearance: They are unreasonably stressed over genuine appearance, both theirs and yours, and may make summing up comments.

• Quick Change in Mind-set or Consideration: In the event that they are not the focal point of consideration or on the other hand in the event that things don't spin around them, they may abruptly lose interest in the discussion or become peevish.

All in all: It tends to be challenging to explore the dating scene after a poisonous relationship, however paying attention to your gut feelings is fundamental. Remember, your impulse is your best accomplice. It helps you with examining the honest prompts and safeguard yourself from hurt. Center around how you feel, focus on your stomach, and don't dismiss the admonitions. You will have a superior possibility of finding a relationship that really praises and regards you assuming you do this.

Monday, June 10, 2024

Narcissists Chronicles: When Karma Is Their Destiny and Unyielding Best Friend!

I wrote this article on December 23, 2023, on my Medium Platform. Here goes…

In the intriguing world of narcissism, a burning question lingers — do these toxic individuals face the reckoning of karma? Dive into the complexities as we unveil the unseen battles within the minds of narcissists, exploring the karmic consequences that may be more profound than meets the eye.

Beyond the façade of confidence, narcissists may be entangled in a web of suffering. Join us as we unravel the mysteries behind their karma, a tale that goes far deeper than their superficial existence suggests.

Contrary to their seemingly charmed lives, narcissists grapple with an internal turmoil that stems from self-hatred and unaddressed wounds.

Discover the psychological intricacies that drive their relentless pursuit of validation and power, leading to a perpetual state of emptiness.

Delve into the narcissist’s desperate attempt to create a grandiose false self, masking the void within. This false facade, while momentarily satisfying, leaves them on a relentless pursuit for external stimulation, approval, and praise. Uncover the never-ending cycle of seeking more, only to find temporary relief.

Psychological experts shed light on the fact that narcissists suffer their karma daily, caught in a cycle of never feeling whole or satisfied. The relentless quest for external validation, stemming from deep-seated self-hatred, leaves them disconnected from their true selves and in a perpetual state of suffering.

Behind closed doors, the personal experiences of those who have endured narcissistic abuse emerge. Witness the untold stories of individuals who, while healing, reflect on the mysterious and hidden suffering that narcissists endure in the shadows of their seemingly successful lives.

As the narrative unfolds, speculation arises about the karmic repercussions faced by narcissists. Will their suffering manifest in this lifetime, or will it extend into future incarnations? The implications of their actions reverberate through the intricate web of cause and effect, leaving room for contemplation on the nature of cosmic justice.

While the narcissist may appear unscathed on the surface, the unseen battle within remains a constant companion. Understanding the depths of their suffering prompts contemplation on the true nature of karma and its role in the lives of those who inflict pain upon others.

In the pursuit of personal growth and healing, it becomes evident that waiting for a narcissist’s karma may be an exercise in futility.

Redirecting energy towards self-discovery, forgiveness, and success emerges as the key to breaking free from the chains of their influence. The untold stories and the enduring strength of survivors highlight the resilience that can be found outside the realm of narcissistic manipulation.

Life After Death: Big Thinkers Explore the Eternal Question — Is There Life After Death?

I wrote this article on December 26, 2023, on my Medium Platform. Here goes…

Death, the universal mystery that shrouds us all, has captivated human minds for centuries. As the inevitable unknown, it prompts profound contemplation about what lies beyond our mortal existence. Big Think delves into the perspectives of notable minds, from atheists to scientists, exploring the age-old question: Is there life after death?

The Existential Uncertainty: Bertrand Russell, an atheist philosopher, once pondered what he would say if confronted by God after death. His response, questioning the lack of evidence, highlights the perpetual debate between faith and skepticism. In the realm of science, Sam Harris emphasizes the inherent uncertainty, stating, “I don’t know what happens after the physical brain dies…I don’t think anyone does know.”

The Vital Energy of Mortality: Bill Nye, the Science Guy, takes a pragmatic stance. In the absence of concrete evidence, the uncertainty of life after death fuels a vital energy, propelling individuals to make the most of their finite existence. Nye suggests that the looming specter of death gives impetus to accomplishments, turning our limited time into a driving force for achievement.

The debate extends beyond philosophical musings. Dr. Sean Carroll, a cosmologist, asserts that the laws of physics leave no room for an afterlife. According to Carroll, human consciousness is inseparable from the physical body, making the notion of an afterlife incompatible with our current understanding of the universe.

The article explores personal encounters with death, recounting stories of individuals declared clinically dead and then revived. These accounts describe encounters with powerful, benign presences and mesmerizing lights, raising questions about the mysterious and transcendent nature of the afterlife.

Astronomer Michelle Thaller introduces a cosmic perspective, borrowing from Einstein’s concept of time as a non-linear continuum. Thaller suggests that, from a certain vantage point, we may already be dead, challenging conventional notions of life and death. The quest to unravel the mystery of life after death persists, drawing on perspectives from various disciplines and personal experiences. While some assert the limitations of our understanding within the laws of physics, others find inspiration and urgency in the uncertainty. As science, philosophy, and personal narratives converge, the eternal riddle of what awaits beyond the veil continues to captivate human imagination.

In a world where death remains the ultimate enigma, Big Thinkers offer diverse perspectives on the afterlife. Whether fueled by existential uncertainty, vital energy, or cosmic contemplation, the exploration of life after death unveils a tapestry of human beliefs and inquiries. As the debate endures, the journey to comprehend the ineffable continues, leaving us to ponder the ultimate question — is there life after death?

Friday, June 7, 2024

What is the Soul?

Let me start by saying this:

You are entitled to know that I do not profess a belief in making anyone believe in the Christian faith. I will not force my belief system on you in any way. However, my purpose in writing this article was to write about my discovery of the information on the soul, period. With that said...

What is the soul, and can it truly be comprehended or fully understood? In this article, we explore the concept of the soul, delving into its various definitions, its significance in different cultures, and the challenges of comprehending its essence.

1: The Soul's Definition and Its Many Facets Defining the Soul: The soul is a complex concept, encompassing notions of individuality, spirituality, and immortality. This section provides an overview of how various cultures and religious traditions define the soul, emphasizing its role as the essence of a person that transcends physical existence. The Distinction Between Soul and Spirit: This section delves into the nuances, highlighting how the soul is often associated with desires, affections, and appetites, while the spirit connects with the divine.

2: The Unfathomable Nature of the Soul The Elusive Knowledge of the Soul: The quest to understand the soul is an ongoing and often elusive journey. This section emphasizes the limitations of human comprehension when it comes to such an abstract concept.

The Challenge of Self-Teaching:

While one might be tempted to self-teach about the soul, this section discusses the inherent challenges. It underscores how academic or spiritual pursuits may not reveal the complete understanding of one's soul, as true compre

3: Embracing the Mystery of the Soul The Soul's Role in Our Lives: The soul plays a significant role in shaping our thoughts, actions, and connections. This section encourages readers to reflect on how their understanding of the soul influences their lives. The Limitations of Mortal Knowledge: As mortal beings, we are bound by the limitations of our knowledge and perception. This section explores the idea that the true nature of the soul may remain a mystery until the moment of separation from the physical body. Embracing the Journey of Self-Discovery: In conclusion, this article invites readers to embrace the enigmatic nature of the soul. It reminds us that the quest for understanding is an essential aspect of our existence and encourages us to continue seeking wisdom and self-awareness, even in the face of life's greatest mysteries.

Whether we explore the concept of the soul independently or guided by the teachings of ancient texts, the soul remains a profound enigma, a question that transcends the boundaries of human comprehension. Our existence is inherently tied to this mysterious essence, and as we explore the concept of the soul, we discover not only the limits of our knowledge but also the boundless potential of our curiosity and self-discovery.

When A Narcissist Accuses You of Flirting! -Unmasking Narcissistic Manipulation!


• Narcissistic manipulation is a complex and often subtle form of control that can have profound effects on a victim's emotional well-being. One common tactic employed by narcissists is the false accusation of flirting. This insidious behavior is part of their grooming technique, aimed at keeping their victims constantly on guard while they themselves engage in manipulative and flirtatious behavior.

In this article, we will delve into the mechanics of this tactic, share a personal experience, and shed light on the importance of recognizing and addressing narcissistic manipulation.

I. Understanding the Narcissist's Grooming


Narcissists have a deep-seated need for control and admiration. They employ various strategies to maintain their dominance in relationships. Accusing their partner of flirting with others is one such strategy. This false accusation serves several purposes, including sowing doubt, creating insecurity, and asserting control.

II. The Narcissist's Flirtatious Behavior

Ironically, while accusing their partner of flirting, narcissists often engage in flirtatious behavior themselves. This double standard is a manifestation of their sense of entitlement and their belief that they are above reproach. It's a manipulative tactic that keeps their victims on edge, constantly trying to prove their loyalty.

III. Personal Experience: A Date with a Narcissist

To illustrate this tactic, let's consider a personal experience. I once went on a date with an individual who exhibited classic narcissistic behavior. We attended a comedy show, and during the evening, I noticed something peculiar. The narcissist accused our waitress of flirting with him when, in reality, it was his own flirtatious demeanor that stood out. This was my first glimpse into the world of a manipulative narcissist.

' IV. The Impact of False Accusations

Accusations of flirting can have a profound emotional impact on the victim. They are left feeling insecure, anxious, and constantly scrutinizing their behavior to avoid further false accusations. This emotional turmoil plays into the narcissist's hands, as they thrive on maintaining the upper hand in the relationship.

V. Recognizing and Addressing Manipulation

Recognizing narcissistic manipulation is the first step toward breaking free from its grip. It's crucial to trust your instincts and question the motives behind false accusations. Seek support from friends, family, or a therapist who can provide an objective perspective and help you regain your confidence.

VI. The Importance of Boundaries

Setting and maintaining boundaries is essential when dealing with a narcissist. Boundaries protect your emotional well-being and send a clear message that manipulative behavior will not be tolerated. When faced with false accusations, assert your boundaries firmly but calmly.

VII. Conclusion: Breaking Free from Manipulation

In conclusion, the false accusation of flirting is a common tactic used by narcissists to maintain control and sow doubt in their relationships. It is part of their grooming technique, designed to keep their victims on edge while they themselves engage in flirtatious behavior. Recognizing this manipulation is crucial for regaining your emotional well-being and breaking free from the narcissist's toxic influence. Remember that you deserve a healthy and respectful relationship, free from manipulation and double standards. Seek support, set boundaries, and prioritize your own well-being. The path to healing and liberation from a narcissistic relationship may be challenging, but it is ultimately a journey toward self-discovery, resilience, and a brighter future.

Thursday, June 6, 2024

Overcoming Loneliness: A Compassionate Guide to Reconnecting with Yourself and Others!


Loneliness is a universal human emotion that can affect anyone, regardless of their relationship status. Whether you're recently divorced, widowed, or have chosen a single life for personal reasons, loneliness can sneak into your heart and take hold. In this article, we will explore the profound feelings of loneliness and provide a heartfelt, informative, and persuasive guide to help you overcome it. Let's embark on a journey to reconnect with yourself and others, and ultimately find solace in companionship, even if it starts with yourself.

Getting to Know Yourself Better

Living alone offers a unique opportunity to strengthen the most important relationship in your life—the one you have with yourself. Loneliness can often be a signal from within that you need to reconnect with your own thoughts, desires, and passions. Take this time to engage in self-discovery, self-compassion, and self-improvement.

Strengthening Your Relationships

While solitude can be liberating, it also gives you the space to evaluate your relationships. Identify those that genuinely contribute to your well-being and happiness. Nurture these connections, and don't be afraid to let go of toxic relationships that may be contributing to your loneliness.

Understanding Your Loneliness Triggers

Even if you relish living alone, moments of loneliness can still surface. Pay attention to when these feelings arise. Are they more pronounced during certain times of the day or week? Understanding your triggers allows you to develop strategies to counteract loneliness proactively.

Connecting with Your Community

Loneliness doesn't always stem from being physically alone. It can also result from feeling disconnected from your community. Seek opportunities to engage with local organizations, attend events, or volunteer. These activities can foster a sense of belonging and combat isolation.

Maintaining a Consistent Routine

Establishing daily and weekly routines can provide structure and purpose to your life, helping to alleviate loneliness. Stick to your regular activities as much as possible. For example, if you used to meet friends on Friday nights, consider virtual gatherings via platforms like Zoom. Consistency creates a sense of normalcy and connection.

Embracing Hobbies and Passions

Rediscover old hobbies or explore new ones to distract yourself from loneliness. Engaging in creative activities like gardening, painting, or playing a musical instrument can boost confidence and provide a sense of accomplishment. These passions can also create opportunities to connect with like-minded individuals.

Seeking Help and Support

Remember that it's perfectly okay to ask for help when dealing with loneliness. Loneliness can be emotionally overwhelming, and there is no need to go through it alone. Reach out to friends, family, or a mental health professional. Sharing your feelings can provide valuable emotional support.

Open Dialogue and Emotional Expression

Bottling up emotions only intensifies their impact. Expressing your feelings, especially about loneliness, can be a liberating experience. Confide in a loved one or therapist; this act of vulnerability can help diminish the hold loneliness has over you.

Unleash Your Creativity

Art, music, writing—these creative outlets not only stimulate your mind but can also alleviate feelings of loneliness. Exploring your creative side can be a deeply satisfying and healing experience, offering an emotional outlet and a path to self-expression.

The Healing Power of Animals

Animals offer companionship and unconditional love. Spending time with a furry friend can fill your life with joy and provide a sense of connection. Consider adopting a pet if circumstances allow, and experience the warmth they bring to your life.


Loneliness is a formidable emotion, but it doesn't have to define your life. By following these compassionate and practical steps, you can break free from the clutches of loneliness and rediscover the beauty of human connection. Embrace your solitude as an opportunity for personal growth, reach out for support when needed, and let your heart be open to the possibility of reconnecting with others and with yourself. Remember, you are not alone in your journey to overcome loneliness; countless others have walked this path and found solace, and so can you.

I Published this article on my Newsbreak Platform on J. A. Jackson2023-09-30

The Emotional Incompetence of Authoritarian Narcissists!


Authoritarian narcissism is a personality trait that combines the need for control with an inflated sense of self-worth. People with these traits often find it challenging to navigate relationships with those who think differently from them. This article explores the emotional incompetence of authoritarian narcissists concerning individuals who hold diverse perspectives. It also sheds light on their secretive data-gathering tendencies within personal relationships.

Authoritarian Narcissists and Control

Authoritarian narcissists thrive on control and dominance in their relationships. They believe they should be in charge and expect others to conform to their views and desires. This authoritarian behavior inhibits the development of trust and mutual respect in any relationship. Contempt for Differing Perspectives

Authoritarian narcissists often hold people with differing viewpoints in contempt. They perceive such differences as a threat to their authority and self-esteem. This contemptuous attitude further hinders healthy communication and understanding in relationships.

Lack of Empathy and Anti-Love Stance

Narcissists, in general, struggle with empathy, but authoritarians take it a step further by actively discouraging love and compassion in their relationships. Their obsession with control and power inhibits the development of emotional bonds based on trust and affection.

Insistent Conformity

Authoritarian narcissists insist on strict conformity to their beliefs and demands. They believe they know everything and consider alternative perspectives as misguided or irrelevant. This rigid stance stifles open dialogue and learning from others.

Friend or Foe Mentality

Authoritarian narcissists often view the world in binary terms – you are either with them or against them. This black-and-white thinking creates a hostile environment where individuals are categorized as friends or foes based on their willingness to conform.

Overbearing and Defensive

Their natural overbearing tendencies make it difficult for authoritarian narcissists to engage in productive discussions. They become highly defensive when their authority is challenged, further eroding the potential for constructive dialogue.


Stubbornness is a hallmark trait of authoritarians. They are unwilling to compromise or adapt, even in the face of evidence contradicting their beliefs. This inflexibility creates barriers to effective communication and problem-solving.

Secretive Data Gathering

Authoritarian narcissists often engage in secretive data-gathering activities within their personal relationships. They may spy on their partners, family members, or friends to maintain control and gather information that can be used to manipulate others.

Freedom and Diversity: Threats to Narcissists

Authoritarian narcissists struggle with the concepts of freedom and diversity, especially when these principles clash with their desire for control. They often feel threatened by the independence and unique perspectives of those around them.

The Illusion of Freedom

Narcissists tend to believe that only they should have the freedom to make decisions and assert control in their relationships. They expect others to conform to their wishes, disregarding the importance of individual autonomy.


Authoritarian narcissists pose significant challenges in personal relationships due to their emotional incompetence in dealing with diverse perspectives. Their need for control, contempt for differing viewpoints, and secretive data-gathering habits create an environment rife with mistrust and discord. Understanding these traits is essential for individuals who find themselves entangled with authoritarian narcissists, as it can help them navigate these complex relationships and potentially seek professional help when necessary. Ultimately, fostering healthy relationships requires open communication, empathy, and respect for diverse perspectives, qualities often lacking in the world of authoritarian narcissism.

This article was published on Newsbreak on J. A. Jackson 2023-09-23

Unraveling the Exodus: Understanding Why “Gen Z” is Leaving Christianity!

What is Gen Z? The definition of Generation Z is said to be comprised of people born between 1996 and 2010.

In recent years, a significant shift has been observed in religious demographics, with a growing number of young people identifying as non-religious or turning away from organized religion altogether. This trend is particularly evident among Generation Z, individuals born roughly between the mid-1990s and early 2010s. Traditional religious institutions, particularly Christianity, have seen a notable exodus among this generation. This article aims to delve into the reasons behind this trend and shed light on the factors contributing to the departure of Gen Z from Christianity.

Changing Social and Cultural Landscape:

Gen Z has grown up in a rapidly changing social and cultural landscape, marked by unprecedented access to information through the internet and social media. As a result, they are more exposed to diverse perspectives and worldviews. This exposure has led to questioning and challenging traditional beliefs, including those of Christianity. Additionally, the rise of secularism and a focus on individual autonomy has fostered a preference for personal spirituality over organized religion.

Science and Rationality:

With an increased emphasis on science and rationality in education, Gen Z has developed a propensity to seek evidence-based explanations for phenomena. This has created tension between certain religious teachings and scientific discoveries, leading some to view religion as incompatible with their intellectual pursuits. The perception of religious dogma being in opposition to scientific evidence has pushed many away from Christianity.

Social Justice and Inclusivity:

Gen Z

is characterized by its commitment to social justice, equality, and inclusivity. Many within this generation perceive certain aspects of Christianity as being exclusive or judgmental towards marginalized groups, such as the LGBTQ+ community. As a result, some individuals feel compelled to disassociate themselves from a faith they believe does not align with their values of acceptance and tolerance.

Digital Age and Disconnection from Traditional Institutions:

The digital age has transformed the way young people connect with one another and their communities. While traditional churches have been central to fostering a sense of community, Gen Z often finds more meaningful connections through online platforms, social media, and virtual communities. This shift has diminished the perceived importance of traditional religious institutions in their lives.

Scandals and Institutional Failures:

Scandals within religious institutions have shaken the confidence of many Gen Z members in the integrity and authenticity of organized religion. Instances of abuse, cover-ups, and other institutional failings have led some to question the moral authority of religious leaders and the institutions they represent.


The departure of Gen Z from Christianity is a complex and multifaceted phenomenon, driven by changing societal values, advances in technology, and a desire for authenticity and inclusivity. The challenges faced by traditional religious institutions in adapting to this evolving landscape have contributed to the exodus of young individuals from Christianity. However, it is essential to recognize that this trend does not signify a wholesale rejection of spirituality or religion. Instead, it reflects a transformation in how young people express their faith and seek spiritual fulfillment, favoring personal exploration and connection over adherence to traditional structures. As society continues to evolve, religious institutions must adapt to the needs and values of future generations to remain relevant and engaging sources of spirituality and community.

• I wrote this one on my Newsbreak Platform on 2023 • J. A. Jackson2023-08-04

Dealing with a Narcissistic Boss? Here's What to Do!

If you find yourself working under a boss who seems overly self-absorbed and difficult to handle, it's important to handle the situation carefully. First off, before you consider leaving, make sure you have a new job lined up. Now, let's explore how to manage the dynamics that come with a narcissistic boss.

Understanding the Dynamics: Working with a narcissistic boss often leads to increased stress for everyone involved. This is partly because of the connection between narcissism and aggressive behavior.

Identifying a Narcissistic Boss: Here are signs that your boss might be a narcissist:

• They disregard personal boundaries.

• They use a "divide and conquer" strategy.

• Their mood can be unpredictable.

• They talk big but don't follow through with actions.

• They take credit for others' work.

• They avoid taking responsibility for mistakes.

• They avoid discussing any negative aspects of the company or role.

• They dodge questions about their management approach.

• They seem distracted and disinterested during conversations.

• They make inappropriate comments about coworkers.

• You've heard negative feedback from others who worked with them.

• They make demeaning remarks about colleagues.

• They make unrealistic promises.

Impact on the Workplace: Narcissism in the workplace is a serious problem that can harm the entire organization. Narcissistic individuals tend to engage in counterproductive behavior, especially when their self-esteem is threatened. Studies have shown a link between narcissism and workplace bullying tactics, as well as sexual harassment.

Coping Strategies: If you're not ready to leave your job, here are some ways to cope with a narcissistic boss:

1. Value Yourself: Remember your skills and qualifications that got you the job in the first place.

2. Offer Compliments: Narcissists respond well to flattery, which can help maintain a better relationship.

3. Document Your Work: Keep a record of your accomplishments to protect your reputation.

4. Network Independently: Establish connections with other leaders in the company discreetly.

5. Seek Support: Talk to trusted friends or family to counter the negative influence.

6. Reflect: Don't internalize negative comments; reflect on your own perspective.

7. Remember Their Vulnerabilities: Understand that your boss may have deep insecurities.

8. Expand Your Experience: Work with other leaders to diversify your references and experiences.

9. Strategize: Position yourself as an ally when your boss seeks validation.

10. Seek Expert Advice: Consult an expert in labor law to understand your rights.

11. Understand the Source: Recognize the roots of your boss's behavior.

12. Respond, Don't React: Stay composed when faced with their behavior.

13. Set Boundaries: Clearly define what is acceptable behavior.

14. Stay Calm: Don't let their actions upset you.

15. Don't Engage: Avoid giving them attention for negative behavior.

16. Be Selective: Choose who deserves your attention and focus.

17. Fact Check: Verify information before reacting.

18. Avoid Arguments: Arguments rarely lead to positive outcomes.

19. Talk to HR: If necessary, involve Human Resources.

20. Understand Toxicity: Learn why some people are toxic or narcissistic.

In conclusion, dealing with a narcissistic boss can be challenging, but there are ways to manage the situation without immediately leaving your job. It's crucial to maintain your self-worth, set boundaries, and seek support from trusted individuals. Remember that your boss's behavior stems from their vulnerabilities, and understanding this can help you navigate the situation more effectively.

*I wrote this article on my Newsbreak Platform in September 2023*

Finding Hope in Paradise: A Near-Death Experience!

I wrote this article for my Newsbreak Platform on 09-12-2023. I hope you enjoy reading it….

In a moment of unintended eavesdropping, I found myself drawn into a heartfelt conversation between two friends. Their discussion revolved around a life-altering near-death experience that had profoundly touched one of them, catapulting them into what they could only describe as a heavenly realm. Intrigued by their dialogue, I felt compelled to explore the diverse interpretations of heaven and its significance in people's lives. Here is the tale of that conversation and the invaluable life lessons it imparts.

The Near-Death Experience

The narrative commenced with one of them sharing an extraordinary near-death encounter. In their account, they spoke of a place that resembled paradise—a realm bathed in radiant light, embracing everything and everyone with warmth. It was akin to a joyous family reunion, even featuring loved ones they may never have met during their earthly existence. This realm radiated transcendent, unconditional love and exuded an unimaginablebeauty—a genuine paradise. The listener couldn't help but express their longing, exclaiming, "I wish I could go there, right now!" Laughter filled the air as both friends momentarily shared this yearning.

The Longing for Paradise

However, the conversation took a poignant turn when the listener shared their own life struggles. They candidly admitted to feeling disconnected from their family and maintaining only a small circle of friends. They also bravely confessed to grappling with addiction, depression, and anxiety—a triad of challenges that countless individuals could empathize with.

Their romantic life had likewise been far from ideal. They ventured into the world of dating, even experimenting with dating apps, only to encounter a disheartening reality. The listener believed that many of these platforms were populated by narcissistic individuals.

Live Your Life

As the dialogue continued, the listener's yearning for the paradise described by the storyteller became apparent. They yearned for a place free from the anguish of controlling and toxic relationships that had marred their earthly existence. Their voice resonated with a profound desire for a love that had remained elusive thus far.

In response, the storyteller, infused with empathy and wisdom, gently remarked, "We can't go there now. We both have lives to live. Live your life! Make it a good one!" I'm smiled at the message. It gave me pause. And it served as a reminder that, despite life's hardships, we all still had a journey ahead of them.

The Conversation was really out of the ordinary

This overheard conversation left me with a whirlwind of emotions. It was really out the ordinary. The listener's pain was palpable, and my heart went out to them. Yet, it also underscored the immense power of love, both in this life and beyond.

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

Understanding Narcissist Gang Stalking: When the Group Turns Against You!

Narcissist Gang Stalking is an alarming phenomenon that can leave individuals feeling isolated, traumatized, and overwhelmed. It occurs when one narcissist becomes the epicenter of a group, and if you happen to fall out of favor with that narcissist, you can quickly find yourself targeted by the entire group. This group dynamic can manifest in various settings, including religious organizations, family groups, social circles, churches, and workplaces. In this article, we will explore the insidious nature of Narcissist Gang Stalking, shedding light on its destructive impact and offering insights on how to cope with this harrowing experience.

I. The Anatomy of Narcissist Gang Stalking

The Power of the Narcissist Narcissists are known for their charismatic charm and manipulative tendencies. They often establish themselves as the center of attention in any group, drawing people in with their charisma and self-assuredness. When you fall out of favor with a narcissist, you become a perceived threat to their self-image, triggering their vindictive tendencies.

The Ripple Effect Once you have crossed paths with a narcissist, you may notice that your standing within the entire group takes a nosedive. It’s as if the narcissist holds the strings, and your relationship with them dictates your relationship with the entire group. This groupthink mentality can be pervasive, leading to exclusion, harassment, and even bullying.

II. The Tactics of Narcissist Gang Stalking

Social Media Harassment In the digital age, social media platforms have become breeding grounds for narcissist-led group harassment. They may launch smear campaigns, spreading false information about you, tarnishing your reputation, and isolating you from your online connections. This cyberbullying can be relentless and deeply distressing.

Sabotage and Bullying In addition to online harassment, Narcissist Gang Stalking may involve more tangible forms of sabotage. This can extend to your work, personal relationships, and alliances you have forged. The group, under the narcissist’s influence, may conspire to undermine your efforts, causing emotional and professional harm.

Character Assassination Narcissists excel at character assassination, and they will employ this skill within the group setting. They may discredit your intentions, question your motives, and paint you as the enemy. This manipulative narrative can be challenging to combat, especially when the entire group buys into it.

III. Coping with Narcissist Gang Stalking Seek Support The first step in coping with Narcissist Gang Stalking is seeking support from trusted friends, family members, or mental health professionals. Isolation is a Document the Abuse Keep a detailed record of any incidents related to the gang stalking, including dates, times, and evidence of online harassment. This documentation can be crucial if legal action becomes necessary.

Set Boundaries If possible, establish clear boundaries with the narcissist and the group. Communicate your limits assertively but without confrontation. Sometimes, setting boundaries can deter further harassment.

Self-Care Prioritize self-care to mitigate the emotional toll of Narcissist Gang Stalking. Engage in activities that bring you joy and relaxation, and consider mindfulness practices or therapy to help process your feelings.

Legal Recourse If the stalking escalates to a point where it threatens your safety or livelihood, consult with legal experts to explore potential legal recourse, such as restraining orders or harassment charges.


Narcissist Gang Stalking is a distressing experience that can have severe emotional, social, and even professional consequences. It’s essential to recognize the signs, seek support, and employ coping strategies to protect your well-being. Remember that you are not alone, and there are resources available to help you navigate this challenging situation. By shedding light on this troubling phenomenon, we hope to empower individuals to break free from the clutches of narcissistic manipulation and regain control of their lives.

Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Do You Know a Roach? Unmasking Roaching: Understanding the Hidden World of Multiple Romantic Partners!

In the complex realm of modern dating, a new term has emerged — “roaching.” It’s a practice that’s not quite cheating, but it’s far from an honest, transparent approach to love. Imagine being in a budding romance, only to discover that your partner is concealing a web of other romantic interests. It’s a scenario that’s becoming increasingly common in the dating world, and it can leave a trail of emotional wreckage in its wake.

“Roaching” is the act of keeping multiple romantic partners’ hidden from a new love interest. As the pandemic slowly ebbs and dating life regains its vibrancy, it’s essential to be aware of the potential for encountering roachers — individuals who keep their romantic lives shrouded in secrecy. How can you identify roaching behavior in a potential partner? What motivates someone to engage in such behavior? Let’s delve into the hidden world of roaching and uncover the answers.

The Telltale Signs] Identifying roaching in a potential partner can be challenging, but there are warning signs to watch for:

Secretive behavior, where your partner hesitates to reveal details about their personal life, especially regarding other romantic interests.

• A lack of commitment, as they avoid discussions about exclusivity or commitment, leaving you in a state of uncertainty. • Inconsistent communication, with your partner disappearing for extended periods, only to reappear with flimsy excuses. • Unexplained changes in plans or sudden cancellations without clear reasons. • Mixed signals that leave you hanging, with your partner sending contradictory messages about the nature of your relationship.

The Emotional Fallout

Roaching can wreak havoc on your emotional well-being, erode trust, and cause psychological distress. It often leads to feelings of inadequacy, betrayal, and heartbreak, hindering personal growth and future relationships. The blame doesn’t lie with the person being roached; it’s a reflection of the roacher’s nature.

Key Insight Understanding roaching requires exploring the motivations behind this behavior. Three primary factors drive individuals to engage in roaching:

1. Fear of Intimacy and Commitment Roaching often stems from a fear of intimacy and commitment, with individuals hesitant to become emotionally entangled. This fear drives them to engage in roaching as a means to shield themselves from emotional challenges. 2. A Desire for Diversity and Thrills Some individuals engage in roaching due to a desire for variety and excitement in their romantic experiences. They perceive exclusivity as constraining and yearn for the novelty and thrill that multiple romantic options offer. 3. Low Self-Esteem or Insecurity Attachment insecurity and low self-esteem can drive individuals into multiple relationships to seek validation and importance, temporarily alleviating their insecurities.

The Mysterious Element Consider a scenario where you find yourself entangled with a roacher, unaware of their hidden romantic life. The discovery can be emotionally devastating, leaving you questioning trust, love, and your own self-worth. It’s a painful journey that many have embarked upon, but it’s crucial to remember that you are not to blame.

Speculation and Implications

The rise of roaching in the dating world poses a significant challenge to building healthy and trusting relationships. Recognizing these behaviors is the first step toward addressing the issue. But it’s equally important to explore healthier alternatives to roaching, such as embracing emotional vulnerability, ethical non-monogamy, and pursuing new experiences together within committed relationships.


In the world of modern dating, “roaching” is a reminder that honesty, trust, and communication are the cornerstones of successful and fulfilling relationships. Awareness and understanding are key in navigating the complex landscape of romance, helping us avoid the pitfalls of roaching and, instead, fostering genuine connections.

In Closing: As you venture forth in the world of dating, keep in mind the lessons learned about roaching. In the quest for love, remember that you deserve transparency, commitment, and respect from your partner.

Monday, June 3, 2024

Greetings! I'd Like to Share a Story I did on my Medium Platform about Craiglist! Hope You Find it Interesting!

I’m going back now and reviewing some stories I’ve written on my Medium platform and sharing them here on my blog. Here is one story that I think everyone will enjoy. I wrote this one in December 2020. Remember Craig’s List? Well, take a read and see if you find something interesting.

Craigslist Code Words & The Forbidden Language!

For those who do not know, I’m a writer.

Yup! I am working on another book. Anyway, long story short, there I was, minding my own business. Just surfing the internet trying to find out the different meaning for a rose, the flower, the real flower is what I was searching for. Yes, you heard me right. I was looking up meanings for the various colors of roses. When bam! Smack! I ran right into it! And guess what? You are not going to believe it.

So here goes…

If you are looking for trouble, well Craigslist is full of it. If you are just naïve, then you better wise up before you head over to Craigslist. Why? Because Craigslist has its own special code language and you’d better wise up to it before you head over to Craigslist.

With that said take notes...

First up, if you see an ad on Craigslist that says I want forty roses, it’s an ad from a prostitute saying she’s charging forty dollars. I kid you not! I am not making this stuff up!

Guess what else? Did you know if someone on Craigslist say they want or are giving French Lessons; they do not really mean the school kind of “French lessons?” French Lessons is code for prostitution?

And when they say, “without an interpreter,” they mean they want to have unprotected sex. Naw, no way you say? Yup! True way. That’s what it means. For real! I read it myself. I’m still in shock. I guess I don’t surf the internet “wildly enough,” I think me needs to get educated and sign up for the New 2020 Hip Urban Slang Class 101!

But the biggest find, I found was the reference or meaning when you see the name Tina Turner on Craigslist. Yes! They even have a code for Tina, and Tina Turner. Now this might shock those who don’t get out much like me. But here goes: If you search for Tina or Tina Turner on Craigslist you might end up ordering crystal methamphetamine. So don’t do it! It might land you in a world of trouble.

Think it can’t get any worse. Well it can! If you see the words Water Works/ Wet Works on Craigslist it means they are asking for somebody to urinate on them. Heck these folks must be hard up because my neighbor’s dog “Zeus” will do that for free.

Here are a few others:

The word ski is code for doing cocaine. So also, is the words California cornflakes.

Rolls Royce is code for a luxury ride alright. A right on the ecstasy bus that is.

Riding the “H” train is code for heroin.

Sugar, roses, doe all stand for money.

Party favors are not those cute little prizes you get at baby showers, its code for drugs.

Well, there you have it a few codes you need to know before heading over to Craigslist.

And please remember never use Craigslist for socializing because there are too many places on Craigslist that could get you into trouble. Also, if you are going to use Craigslist, use it wisely and protect yourself and watch out for predators. Be careful and be safe!

News Flash! Updated News Craigslist ads and a new hidden word meaning! Picture it! You are looking at ads in Craigslist and you run across an ad that reads. “Offering “Winter White Fine…

J. A. Jackson Author J. A. Jackson Author

Book Author J.A. Jackson is the pseudonym for an author, who loves to write! Visit-Blog: Last published Apr 28, 2024 Published in An Idea (by Ingenious Piece) · 3 min read · Dec 27, 2020